Saturday, December 8, 2012
Edge of Heaven
Remember me mentioning the great author Eva McCall? Well I have just finished her first book, and I have so many great things to say about it!
I cannot believe that after 15 years since the release of this book, Edge of Heaven, I am just now getting to finish this! It has been in my house since the release, but I never got the chance to read it. Eva McCall is my aunt, and I have always admired her for her accomplishments as a writer, and establishing a group of fans in the area who are always waiting for a new book to come out.
Edge of Heaven opened my eyes into the history of my family that I never investigated. I always heard of Lucy and Holman, but I never understood the complicated, yet romantic relationship that they shared. Things were also complicated with 13 children, and a whole new world that Lucy didn't feel right in. Carpenter Mountain holds so many secrets, hearbreaks, revelations and love for Lucy to discover...
This book will make you laugh, cry and cling to the book even more than you thought was possible. And the journey doesn't stop there. Eva wrote a sequel, Children of the Mountain, which I am excited to start tomorrow. I have also read her upcoming book, Murder on Haint Branch, and also working with her to have it published, and I know that none of her books will disappoint her readers. Be on the lookout for it soon!
You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Eva McCall
By Barbara McRae
-The Franklin Press
Friday November 16th, 2012
Eva Carpenter McCall and her husband George have settled not far from where her story began, in a big old house just a stone's throw from where they live today.
The old house had stood up well to the elements, Eva says, surmising that "back then, the termites didn't have teeth." Nevertheless, when she was in the eighth grade, her father, James Carpenter, built another house nearby and turned the old place into a chicken coop.
Eva spreads her arms to illustrate the size of the original Carpenter property and notes with satisfaction that most of it is still in the family. She and George are living in the house her daddy built. It backs up to Carpenter Mountain and, from their sunroom, the McCAlls look out on the massive form of Black Mountain.
These are the places of Eva's childhood, and they feature strongly in her novels, The Edge of Heaven (1997) and Children of the Mountain (2002), and a slimmer volume called Lucy's Recipes for Mountain Living.
"I've learned that you never lose what you started out to be, no matter where in the world you go," Eva says. Her adult life took her away from Franklin.
She graduated from high school in 1955 and attended Pfeiffer College. Then, in 1957, she met George in the sugar aisle of Mason's Food Palace when he was home on leave from the service.
"He got him a little sugar," Eva teases. But, it wasn't quite their first encounter. She remembers that when she was in the fourth grade at the old Slagle School, she saw him playing basketball. He was an older guy, in the eighth grade, and he caught her eye.
After they married, they moved to Flint, Mich., where George worked in the automotive industry. They had three children born there, two girls and a boy.
After "five years of motherhood," Eva decided to go back to work; she attended beauty school and launched a career that she loved.
A friend who came to get her hair done encouraged her desire to write. She brought Eva her stories to read and talked her into joining her critique group.
Edge of Heaven came about as a way to deal with a difficult family tragedy. A granddaughter, born with spina bifida, died at the age of 15 months after a long struggle.
"I'd come home, and I'd be Lucy, to help me cope," Eva recalls. (Lucy, the main character in Edge, was inspired by Eva's grandmother.)
It took two years to complete the novel. George encouraged her--he says he pulled the manuscript out of the trash can twice--and the friend who originally pushed her to write was also there to help.
"I went home with her and she said, 'You're so close to the end of that book. We're going to finish it tonight.'" At 3 a.m., Eva wrote the last sentence.
The McCalls enjoyed their time in Michigan. "It wasn't too unlike what life is here. There was the same sense of community," Eva said. "The hardest part for me was the difference in the way we talked. You'd be talking to someone and they'd be grinning because of your accent."
Writing helped. The mountain dialect Eva knew as a child is strongly featured in her books. "It gave me a sense of freedom," she said. She had bottled up that dialect for 43 years, trying to fit in; the books let it burst out.
Why does she base her novels on the hills of home? The answer is simple--"That's what I know." But then Eva stops to ponder: "Why don't I know about living in Michigan for 43 years like I know this?"
Carpenter Mountain was where her heart was. Ten years ago, she and George came home.
"When I came back, it was like being a kid again," she says. She was inspired to write a third book, again based loosely on memories and stories from her childhood. The main character is a girl named Ollie who grows up in the course of a tumultous couple of years.
"Writing the book was so much fun. I was in Ollie's skin."
Evan began this novel with the story, passed down in her family, of the death of her mother's brother. He was found dead in 1942, and it was never determined whether he was murdered or had shot himself.
Eva talked with novelist Sheila Kay Adams about the incident. "I told her, 'You don't shoot yourself through the heart with a shotgun and lay it back on the bed by your side.'"
"That's your first line," Adams said. "Now go home and write it."
And, Eva did.
The novel is finished; she is now pursuing publishing options and hopes to have it out soon.
Contact Barbara at
To keep updated on the release of her new book 'Murder on Haint Branch', follow her on Facebook or Twitter.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Innocent Identity
Nobody was happier than me when I found out that Delta Goodrem had finally released her two previous albums 'Innocent Eyes' and 'Mistaken Identity' to the American iTunes. These two albums, has recieved much attention for how great they are. These albums can now be bought here.
'Innocent Eyes' is now known as the "highest selling album in Australia of the decade." And the album has also recieved a high acheivement when it released 5 #1 singles from a debut album. And it has been the most successful album in 17 years. Hit singles such as 'Born to Try', 'Innocent Eyes', 'Lost Without You', 'Not Me Not I' and 'Predictable' helped this album shoot to fame. It reached #1 in Australia, and #2 in the UK and overall selling 3 million copies! That is a hard record to beat!
'Mistaken Identity' did very well also. It was written in the midst of her battle of cancer. Singles like 'Out of the Blue', 'Mistaken Identity' and 'Almost Here' sent the album to #1 as well. And the first two singles gave her a total of 7 #1 singles in a row. Hard to beat that as well.
So why haven't these amazing albums been released in the USA already? That was the first think I thought of when I became a fan of Delta's. And the plan was to release these in the USA a long time ago. In 2005, she released 'Lost Without You' and was received with moderate success. And the plan was to release a hybrid of these two albums, but all of those plans were put on hold and she didn't release anything in America until her return with her third album, 'Delta' in 2008.
My suspicion is that Delta and her team were wanting to release these albums in preperation for her upcoming forth album, 'Child of the Universe', due out in Australia late October. What I don't understand though is there has been no announcement by her team that this release has even been made. Would have helped the possibility of sales. But I don't know the logic to the madness.
Since the release, I have tweeted many people, and also put out a ad on Facebook, which appealed to 13,000 people to get people to buy the album. And I guess I could say that it helped. Both albums have outsold 'I'm Not Ready' which was a duet between Michael Bolton and Delta, and 'Fragile' from 'Mistaken Identity' has moved from #20 to #13 on Delta's page. Hoping more sales are to come.
I hope any readers that haven't heard of Delta or haven't listened to her music go and buy them now. I promise you that they are good, and I think her record for #1 albums and singles speak for themselves.
If you would like to help the cause and get more exposure for Delta, you can tweet this or post on Facebook:
"Don't forget that all Delta Goodrem albums are on USA iTunes! Buy them now! RETWEET! "
If anyone decides to purchase either album, please let me know so I know that they are being purchased and let me know how you enjoy them!
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises
Last night was the premiere of the movie of the summer, "The Dark Knight Rises," and I had the pleasure to be one of the many that was able to see it first at midnight. As a huge Batman fan, I had some high expectations for this film. So high, I was afraid I would be disappointed by what I would be watching. I can safely say that this film went beyond my expectations, and had me begging for more. It had me jumping and gasping and holding on to every second. I have been comparing this film to the final Harry Potter book. Like Harry Potter, this film was the final chapter in the story, but it was on a completely different level from the other films before it. I will be going into detail about the storyline, so SPOILERS!!! You have been warned.
The film returns Christian Bale, Michael Cain, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, and introduces Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film takes place 8 years after the events in "The Dark Knight." It starts with a broken Bruce Wayne who is still grieving from the death of Rachel. He has to return to the cape and cowl when Bane starts emerging from the underground. And with Bane seizing control of Wayne Enterprises, and the fancy gadgets that Batman had access to for so many years, he quickly becomes a powerful opponent. And a defining battle between the two put devastating events into play. I won't give too much away because watching it is truly amazing and watching it is the only way to enjoy the storyline. But there are many plot twists and revelations that drop your jaw and defy any theories that you have before walking into the film.
The results are in, and the critics are giving it praises as well! Huffington Post reports that the reviews are meeting the massive hype that was created before the movie. Justin Chang says, "Few blockbusters have borne so heavy a burden of audience expectation as Christopher Nolan's final Batman caper, and the filmmaker steps up to the occasion with a cataclysmic vision of Gotham City under siege in 'The Dark Knight Rises."
The casting of Catwoman and Anne Hathaway have been getting praise as well, with critics saying, "Nolan's Catwoman is the best cinematic rendering of the character to date, allowing Anne Hathaway sex appeal, humor and real humanity in equal measures." Not really sure about that though. Michelle Pfeiffer's version to me, still has the most depth and has a better struggle between good and evil. But she does a great job, and is a new level of the character that we will never forget.
I know the question will rise about whether the villain Bane will be better than Heath Ledger's Joker. Honestly, they are both really great, but Bane truly puts the fear into Batman, and how Bane can destroy his city. Both villains are really great, but Bane ultimately has more depth than the Joker, and that created more emotion when the truth about Bane finally comes out. Really a great character.
Nolan really has outdone himself. He took many different aspects of the Batman world and put them into this one film which makes it feel like a true Batman movie. For those who don't read the comics or read the novels, "No Man's Land" is a clear inspiration to this film, and this storyline in the Batman world is worth researching and reading before or after watching the film. Many other inspirations were in the film, but I won't give those away.
I can't tell you how much I loved this movie. Some of you know how I can really tear up a movie, and there wasn't much bad I have to say about this one. This film does come full circle from the first and second parts, and will forever be a cherished chapter in the Batman universe. I rate this movie 5/5, and it deserves all the praise.
I look forward to hearing your own thoughts about the film, and what possible awards this film is worthy of being nominated for. Stay tuned for the breaking news on the massive shooting in Colorado which took place last night at the "Dark Knight Rises" premiere.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
In Response...
Hey everyone. This post is sorta unusual for me. But earlier today, I recieved a comment from someone in response to my post titled "Eosinophilic Esophagitis." Sadly, the comment disappeared before I could respond. So I'm going to post the comment, and post my own thoughts. Hope whoever posted the comment is able to read it!
"Thanks for this blog. My 7yrs old son just got dignosed with EE....there were no appearent symptoms we saw but he had acid reflux since he was 5 weeks old. Finally we could stop his midecine and that is when his doc wanted him to get checked for EE. I am so scared now that we are vegetarian and wheat and milk is all we eat. What doc has asked to stop - those 6 items and milk and wheat is everything for us. We r going to see the pediatric dietian, What i keep wondering is if we have not seen any symptoms, he has not complained then why get him treated....can't just go on with it?"
First of all, thank you for reading! I'm glad my personal story is out there for people to relate to and also help understand EE. I read your comment several times to think how I could reply to your complex situation, more complex than my own.
First of all, EE has been known to be misdiagnosed as acid reflux. I should know, we thought I had it as long as I can remember until my diagnosis 4-5 years ago. And once I found out I had EE, all of the pieces finally came together, and I realized I must have had it the whole time. This seems to be the case with your son.
I can only imagine how difficult this will be for your family as vegetarians. When I was first diagnosed, I thought my life would end, because tons of food have these products that are now forbidden to me. It took me at least 2 years to finally find a suitable diet for myself to where I could feel completely healthy. But I continue to make my diet more stricter as producers, and restaurant chains change their ingredients. For me, meat, fruits and veggies are the main components to my diet, and I have rarely broken my diet in the past 2 years. For you, this will be a difficult experience. Consulting a dietitian is a great idea. They will be able to steer you in the right direction. I wish you the best of luck with this.
And to answer your question, I would not ignore the doctor's instructions. I don't know your son's level of pain when he is experiencing a spell with EE, but mimic heart attacks are common, and from personal experience, I thought I was going to die. The medicine that has been prescribed to me, and my diet has saved my life, and my doctor has told me that is the only way to prevent possible irreversible and even more painful damage. Something to think about really carefully.
If you are in fact reading this, I wish you the best of luck! Life does go on from this, and it will eventually just become his way of life in the months and years to come. I do believe that in his early age, he will be able to get a full handle on this, and with your help, he will be free from years of pain that I experienced because of a late diagnosis. Remember, the steroid FLOVENT and a strict diet is the most efficient and less painful way to cope with this.
Hope to hear good news from you soon!
"Thanks for this blog. My 7yrs old son just got dignosed with EE....there were no appearent symptoms we saw but he had acid reflux since he was 5 weeks old. Finally we could stop his midecine and that is when his doc wanted him to get checked for EE. I am so scared now that we are vegetarian and wheat and milk is all we eat. What doc has asked to stop - those 6 items and milk and wheat is everything for us. We r going to see the pediatric dietian, What i keep wondering is if we have not seen any symptoms, he has not complained then why get him treated....can't just go on with it?"
First of all, thank you for reading! I'm glad my personal story is out there for people to relate to and also help understand EE. I read your comment several times to think how I could reply to your complex situation, more complex than my own.
First of all, EE has been known to be misdiagnosed as acid reflux. I should know, we thought I had it as long as I can remember until my diagnosis 4-5 years ago. And once I found out I had EE, all of the pieces finally came together, and I realized I must have had it the whole time. This seems to be the case with your son.
I can only imagine how difficult this will be for your family as vegetarians. When I was first diagnosed, I thought my life would end, because tons of food have these products that are now forbidden to me. It took me at least 2 years to finally find a suitable diet for myself to where I could feel completely healthy. But I continue to make my diet more stricter as producers, and restaurant chains change their ingredients. For me, meat, fruits and veggies are the main components to my diet, and I have rarely broken my diet in the past 2 years. For you, this will be a difficult experience. Consulting a dietitian is a great idea. They will be able to steer you in the right direction. I wish you the best of luck with this.
And to answer your question, I would not ignore the doctor's instructions. I don't know your son's level of pain when he is experiencing a spell with EE, but mimic heart attacks are common, and from personal experience, I thought I was going to die. The medicine that has been prescribed to me, and my diet has saved my life, and my doctor has told me that is the only way to prevent possible irreversible and even more painful damage. Something to think about really carefully.
If you are in fact reading this, I wish you the best of luck! Life does go on from this, and it will eventually just become his way of life in the months and years to come. I do believe that in his early age, he will be able to get a full handle on this, and with your help, he will be free from years of pain that I experienced because of a late diagnosis. Remember, the steroid FLOVENT and a strict diet is the most efficient and less painful way to cope with this.
Hope to hear good news from you soon!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Anderson Cooper
Well it is now confirmed. Anderson Cooper, who has been one of the most suspecting people of their sexual preference, has come out. According to Yahoo news, the popular journalist wrote to friend blogger Andrew Sullivan, saying, "The fact is, I'm gay...Always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud."
He also went into detail as to why he kept his private life out of the public eye. "Even though my job puts me in the public eye, I have tried to maintain some level of privacy in my life. Part of that has been for purely personal reasons. I think most people want some privacy for themselves and the people they are close to...But I've also wanted to retain some privacy for professional reasons...Since I started as a reporter in war zones 20 years ago, I've often found myself in some very dangerous places. For my safety and the safety of those I work with, I try to blend in as much as possible, and prefer to stick to my job of telling other people's stories, and not my own. I have found that sometimes the less an interview subject knows about me, the better I can safely and effectively do my job as a journalist. I've always believed that who a reporter votes for, what religion they are, who they love, should not be something they have to discuss publicly."
And then he discussed how this announcement was not a big deal to him. "In a perfect world, I don't think it's anyone else's business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted...Visibility is important, more important than preserving my reporter's shield of privacy."
You can read the full letter here. He goes on to say that he has always been open with family and friends. Since his announcement, he has gotten much support, with tweets saying, "[he] helps us move 'what shouldn't matter' closer to 'what doesn't matter" and co-worker Don Lemon showed his support as well.
We congratulate him on his announcement, and we are sure this won't effect him and his career in any way, and will be able to advocate the journey for equality!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Obama's Stand
Just yesterday, President Obama opened the eyes of millions globally with his new perspective on a very controversial topic. And this topic could be the defining moment of his current presidency, his reelection, and possibly even his presidency for the next four years. Yesterday, it was announced that Obama would be speaking with Good Morning America, announcing that he thought that same-sex marriage "should be legal."
This has sparked a fire in the nation as states are debating whether to allow it to be legal, or to permanently ban it in the constitution, as well as political and celebrity figures coming out with thier opinion on the issue. And from personal experience, it is forcing people to voice their true opinion, whether good or bad. But I think it is about time that this issue be addressed, and allow equality once and for all!
In the interview with Good Morning America, Obama says, "I've just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married...Malia and Sasha believe discrimination against gay marriage "doesn't make sense to them" and frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective...This is something that, you know, we've [Mr. and Mrs. Obama] talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do."
This interview came just a day after North Carolina passed the Amendment One bill by a landslide to allow the ban of Gay Marriage. Many think that it didn't matter the timing of Obama's interview, the Amendment would have been passed, but it would have sparked more people in to joining the fight. We discussed in on my last post, and we know how damaging this bill is to families in general.
Opponent, and most likely Republican candidate Mitt Romney quickly responded to Obama's interview, with a completly view. "When these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts I indicated my view which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender and I don't favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name...My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate but the others are not."
Obama has already recieved praise from his statement. Many gay rights organizations, Twitter and Facebook have flooded with supportive comments. But not all have been supportive. Many are disappointed with his decision to support it, and say it will hurt him at the ballots this fall.
If this will hurt his election, we don't know for sure. I personally think it will only help him. Whether this move was made to increase his chances of winning in the fall, or because of a personal reason, it makes him look like Abraham Lincoln and JFK in terms of leaders of equal rights. I think this will unite the Democratic party, and rally the youth to support this overwhelmingly. Unfortunately, we can't expect federal involvement now because Obama does believe that it should be up to the states to decide. But I think that eventually public opinion will be the same, and it will be allowed nation-wide.
It will only get heated from this point. Already I have discussed this with 3 people, and had a heated debate with one of them, with a polite disagreement with another. Many oppose this, and opposition will continue to grow. But I am sure that we won't back track now, we can only go further, and the gay community will recieve the same rights that they deserve!
This has sparked a fire in the nation as states are debating whether to allow it to be legal, or to permanently ban it in the constitution, as well as political and celebrity figures coming out with thier opinion on the issue. And from personal experience, it is forcing people to voice their true opinion, whether good or bad. But I think it is about time that this issue be addressed, and allow equality once and for all!
In the interview with Good Morning America, Obama says, "I've just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married...Malia and Sasha believe discrimination against gay marriage "doesn't make sense to them" and frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective...This is something that, you know, we've [Mr. and Mrs. Obama] talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do."
This interview came just a day after North Carolina passed the Amendment One bill by a landslide to allow the ban of Gay Marriage. Many think that it didn't matter the timing of Obama's interview, the Amendment would have been passed, but it would have sparked more people in to joining the fight. We discussed in on my last post, and we know how damaging this bill is to families in general.
Opponent, and most likely Republican candidate Mitt Romney quickly responded to Obama's interview, with a completly view. "When these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts I indicated my view which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender and I don't favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name...My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate but the others are not."
Obama has already recieved praise from his statement. Many gay rights organizations, Twitter and Facebook have flooded with supportive comments. But not all have been supportive. Many are disappointed with his decision to support it, and say it will hurt him at the ballots this fall.
If this will hurt his election, we don't know for sure. I personally think it will only help him. Whether this move was made to increase his chances of winning in the fall, or because of a personal reason, it makes him look like Abraham Lincoln and JFK in terms of leaders of equal rights. I think this will unite the Democratic party, and rally the youth to support this overwhelmingly. Unfortunately, we can't expect federal involvement now because Obama does believe that it should be up to the states to decide. But I think that eventually public opinion will be the same, and it will be allowed nation-wide.
It will only get heated from this point. Already I have discussed this with 3 people, and had a heated debate with one of them, with a polite disagreement with another. Many oppose this, and opposition will continue to grow. But I am sure that we won't back track now, we can only go further, and the gay community will recieve the same rights that they deserve!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Battle of North Carolina
I know I haven't been active on my blog in some time, but this is a topic that I think cannot be ignored. Tomorrow the Battle of North Carolina begins. What is this, you ask? It is my title for the primary voting that will take place tomorrow statewide. And not only voting for people to represent us in the community, but also a piece of legislation that could forever alter the future of the state. I am talking about the controversial Amendment One, which will define marriage between one man and one woman. This would ban any chance of legal same-sex marriage, or any civil unions or partnerships. This has created verbal warefare between everyone living in this state. And it has shown where established institutions stand such as religious congregations and state representatives. But people are speaking out agains this, fearing that if this would bring more consequences than planned.
Millions of dollars on each side have been spent to express their views. And the exposure of this debate has created a nationwide question, "Are we ready to accept Same-Sex couples as a legal form of marriage?"
Of course you know my views on this, and how I will be voting tomorrow, basing it on my past posts. In modern society, marriage doesn't need to be defined between one man and one woman. I have taken a Sociology course, and people go against Same-Sex marriage because it interferes with the Funcionalism theory, which is the belief that parts such as reproduction, marriage, parenting, schools, governments, and religion are the organs to our functioning society. And many claim that gay marriage remove the reproduction and marriage, therefore destroying our society. But I highly disagree with this. While Same-Sex couples cannot reproduce in a conventional way, they use methods that are popular not only with them, but also with heterosexual couples. And if they were granted marriage, they could carry out their intended role in society just as well as if they were straight.
This isn't the first time this debate has come about. This has been a heated topic for years, but opinions finally turning now in favor of these couples that deserve the right to marry as much as anyone else. States are finally getting their act together and making marriage legal. But the south is harder to make this a reality. But North Carolina is the first state with the opprotunity to really send a message and oppose the discrimination that the other states have been stubborn about. And members of this state, no matter the gender or age, has come out in opposition of this law, making the outcome anyones guess.
This law has many consequences if passed, which should make many of you question which is the right decision. The law is so broad that it could "deny health insurance for the children of domestic partners and endanger domestic violence survivors who are not married to their abusers." And not only would this effect gay couples, but straight as well. Who would want someone to vote for something that is so dangerous to our community?
While there are some huge supporters of this law, including Newt Gingrich, and the iconic religious Graham family, there are way more people that are opposed to this. First of all, our President of the United States opposes this. And the list goes down from Governor Bev Purdue to leaders of Bank of America and Duke Energy. With highly influencial figures such as these opposing this, I don't see how many people can ignore this.
And here is something interesting about what people think about when it comes to voting about this. According to, "A Public Policy Polling survey released last week showed that 55% of respondents favor the amendment and 41% oppose it. However, when respondents were informed about the broad reach of the amendment, only 38% supported it, compared to 46% opposed." So that is why it is so important for people to really know what they are voting for, and really search their souls before voting, and hopefully be able to sleep with their decision.
I'm sure many of you have already made your mind up about this. And that is fine, no matter what your view is on this. But I do ask that you be completely aware of what you are voting for. And imagine that this was your lifestyle that is being voted on. How would you want the outcome to be, and determining how you spend your time with your spouses and children. The Battle of North Carolina is going to be a big one, and I hope that you join the fight.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Trayvon Martin
The nation is currently expressing outrage over the senseless killing of Trayvon Martin last month. This incident in Florida has resulted in the debate of race, and the stand that people are taking in support of this young man, with thousands marching onto the streets in protest because his killer is not in jail. So the question remains, was his death accidental, or is the racist ideals still strong among Americans? Everybody seems to be talking about this case right now. I myself talked about this with my parents, and then I hear heated debates on CNN about this with Don Lemon. And people are throwing opinions right and left, with people defending and critizing George Zimmerman for his actions. Let's read what has been reported so far:
Martin, a black teen, was walking to his father's girlfriends house from a store when George Zimmerman, a latino american, and the neighborhood watcher, followed him because of what he considered "suspicious" behavior, against the advice of 911. Martin was fatally shot, with Zimmerman calling it self defense. Tapes now have Zimmerman saying, "This guy looks like he is up to no good. He is on drugs or something" and saying that his hand was in his waistband and something in his other hand.
Since the incident, Zimmerman has not been charged with anything because of his right to call self defense and because he had a clean record. The head of the Sanford Police has since stepped down for the moment to make sure that this situation is resolved without him overshadowing the process.
Since all of this, thousands have went to the streets, demanding that Zimmerman be arrested. Such leaders include Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III. And many celebrities are voicing their opinion as well. And then even President Obama has voiced, saying ,"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," quickly calling for an investigation in this case.
But much of the debate about this is the question on whether race was a factor. Many are arguing that it was in fact a hate crime, while some are questioning that there isn't enought proof to assume that.
I know this isn't a lot to sum up this huge debate and sad tragedy. I just wanted to make sure that my voice was heard among the rest of America and say that I am also outraged by this, and I hope an arrest by Zimmerman is made soon.
What do you think about this tragedy? Do you think it was a kill made in self defense? Or do you think that this was a purposeful attack on the black race. Post your thoughts now!
Sitting on Top of the World
Delta fans have been going crazy over this news, now speculating when the single will be released. They wonder if it will be right after the countdown on the site is over, or if it will be after the anticipated performance at the Logies.
The countdown shown the relaunch of her site, as well as dates for the single to hit radio and to be sold, as well as a preview of the song. From what we can hear so far, it sounds like a hit that will be big in all countries. You can listen to it here:
And here is the sneak peek of the music video, which I think it is amazing!
What do you think of the previews?
So many exciting things heading our way, so stay tuned. I'll update this page as news comes in!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
This topic has been on my mind for some time, and I think now is the time to voice my opinion, and hope that many of you reading this will change your opinions and help the cause as well. It is a subject that I think is the most important to all of us right now, but nobody wants to speak about it. People are more interested in "The Bachelor" or finding ways to trash the top Republican contenders for the general election. When what we should be focusing on is the environment. It is our home, and the result of trashing it in less than 100 years, has caused us to live in the threat of warmer climates and diseases such as cancer and lung disease, not to mention the effect that it has on our wildlife and plants. What has brought me to express my outrage over how we have treated our world for so many years? Well, it is because I am taking an environmental biology class, and it has opened my eyes to the horrors that are occuring in our environment today, and what may occur if we do not change our ways now. We have watched documentaries that have made me want to leave the classroom and then set fire to the Capitol in Washington in protest of the leaders of our nation that have allowed terrible things to happen, as well as prevent things from being done to make the world better. And the facts that I have learned in that class has given me headaches in frustration because we as individuals have had the tools before us to change our world around us for the better, and it will eventually be free to do so.
We are living in a society today where gas is close to $4 to the gallon, with some parts of the world way over that mark. That seems crazy since gas was only 25 cents to the gallon when my grandparents can remember. That wasn't too long ago though. That just goes to show that speculation and the competitive oil companies and then with tension with other countries have influence in how high the prices go. But the problem is that no matter what happens from this point, gas prices will not go down enough for consumers to continue to commute to anything. Who wants to continue this lifestyle?
We need alternative fuels not only because it will be less expensive on our pockets, but also to take the step to be healthier and stop pollution in the environment. But something that you may know about is that other sources such as electric cars have been in existence even before the car by Henry Ford was introduced. They were even on the roads in the early 2000s, with many customers on a waiting list to purchase one. But you know what? The car companies took them away and crushed them, trying to forever hide this technology and increase sales in gas engines. This was done because the companies realized that once people got these cars, there would no longer be a need for maintenance like our current cars require. Electric cars only require the usual routine stuff like tire changes, not like our current cars that require oil changes, and the extra stuff that costs us so much. Nothing like looking our for the customers, right?
Same goes for solar energy. This technology is not new. It has been around for years, and is the most common throughout the world. And after a first expensive cost, this power would eventually be free. This would help us to live our lives the way we have, without polluting the world and causing danger to ourselves and everything around us. And as more people invest in this, the more cheaper it will become. Why not try to invest in this now and make it a global effort, and eventually make this the best source of energy in the world.
But our leaders have not made this an easy task. For decades, politicians have followed the orders of these polluting companies because of contributions to their campaigns. And when opprotunities arise to help make things better, our leaders turn the other way and do what makes the quickest dollar. That's why I am so disappointed in our canidates for president in this election. We see people like Rick Santorum who feel that drilling and Hydro Fracking in our own country will help us with our harsh prices. He is so far from the right path to fixing this issue. If anyone wanted to become president, I would think that they would promote solar and electric energy, a source of energy that people are actually wanting to use. But I am sure that everyone is waking up to this and will be electing people that WILL get these things done. So sorry D.C. lawmakers, but pack your bags because America is sick of your crap!
So why am I making this a big deal? Because I know that everyone is starting to feel the same way, and we all need to come together to get these things done. We need to raise awareness to all of these things that is hurting our world, and fix the things to help us prosper without having to pay so much to clean up our messes. How can we do that? First, click here to recieve contact information for all our representative and senators, as well as their twitter addresses to show our outrage and disapproval of their jobs. Second, start expressing interest in our alternative fuels. If we express enough interest, then there will be no choice than to lower the prices and making this all affordable to everyone. And then third, don't bend over and take these outrageous gas prices. Carpool, and do whatever you can do to prevent those many trips to the pump.
I hope that this has opened your eyes to the many different things that are going wrong in our world concerning our environment. I hope this encourages you to do more to prevent more troubles from coming our way, and to take a stand and voice your opinion as well. Please, spread the word so people who may not realize these things can be knowledgable in these many things. With your help, we can make a difference. But if we decide to wait any longer and allow the greedy pigs in Washington to run our fragile environment to the ground, it may be too late to do anything about it...
Monday, February 20, 2012
No More Nelta
Well, it has been confirmed; Delta Goodrem and Nick Jonas have called it quits. After a 9-month relationship, the couple have decided to go different ways, with plans to stay as friends. This is currently sending shockwaves around the world, with both good and bad reactions towards the two.
A joint statement was released not long ago, saying "Nick and Delta have decided mutually to end their relationship. At this point in time, they are both focused on their careers as they go on different paths. They remain friends and wish each other the best for the future. There will be no further comments regarding this matter."
This makes sense. Jonas, who is busy with broadway, is stationed in New York. While Delta is back in her home country Australia, joining the cast of the Australian version of "The Voice." She is also expected to release so new music early this year, after a 5 year break from her last release in 2007.
This has sent a frenzy among all fans. Many have already taken to Twitter to show their opinions. The couple wasn't recieved with good reviews to start off with. Delta quickly became a trending topic, with many Jonas lovers sending hate messages. Delta fans didn't see the connection between the two either. And the two were greatly criticized for their 8 year age difference.
In my opinion, I feel that this was the best move for the both of them. They both have such different directions in their careers, and I don't see Delta returning to the US for awhile. And at long last, I can possibly hear Americans view her as a great artist, instead of the one who is robbing the Disney cradle...
I am sure that we will hear more things about this coming soon. And already fans are voicing their opinion. If you would like to join the discussion, you can join it at the Delta Goodrem Forums here. So what are your thoughts? Do you approve of their decision, or do you wish they had stuck it out? Post your thoughts now!
A joint statement was released not long ago, saying "Nick and Delta have decided mutually to end their relationship. At this point in time, they are both focused on their careers as they go on different paths. They remain friends and wish each other the best for the future. There will be no further comments regarding this matter."
This makes sense. Jonas, who is busy with broadway, is stationed in New York. While Delta is back in her home country Australia, joining the cast of the Australian version of "The Voice." She is also expected to release so new music early this year, after a 5 year break from her last release in 2007.
This has sent a frenzy among all fans. Many have already taken to Twitter to show their opinions. The couple wasn't recieved with good reviews to start off with. Delta quickly became a trending topic, with many Jonas lovers sending hate messages. Delta fans didn't see the connection between the two either. And the two were greatly criticized for their 8 year age difference.
In my opinion, I feel that this was the best move for the both of them. They both have such different directions in their careers, and I don't see Delta returning to the US for awhile. And at long last, I can possibly hear Americans view her as a great artist, instead of the one who is robbing the Disney cradle...
I am sure that we will hear more things about this coming soon. And already fans are voicing their opinion. If you would like to join the discussion, you can join it at the Delta Goodrem Forums here. So what are your thoughts? Do you approve of their decision, or do you wish they had stuck it out? Post your thoughts now!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Ron Paul
As a Democratic voter, some of you may be shocked to learn that I am supporting a Republican candidate. But to me, I feel that sometimes a candidate, no matter what political party they are a part of, is so powerful in their message, that people want to vote for the person, not the party. And this political year, that is exactly how I feel. And after watching numerous Republican debates, there is only one canidate that symbolizes freedom, and everything that can fix our mess of a country. Ron Paul. I believe he is the only candidate, from both Democrat and Republican that can turn this country around and bring it back to the prosperity that it deserves.
A quick history about Ron Paul first. Born in 1935, this 76 year old man has gained a lot of experience and momentum over the years. Serving in the Air Force as a medical officer and then obstetrician-gynecologist, serving over 4,000 babies, then joining the political area in 1997, and serving his country since then. He has been a canidate 3 times, and I think this time he will make a lasting impact during the election, whether he wins or not.
As a master of the Constitution, many voters are turning to him to return to the founder's view on America, while many Republican leaders consider him a foe. Since his announcement for his bid for president in 2011, he has gained much fame and attention for his political views. He believes in cutting military spending, which people think will cut defense. But that is not true. What he means by cutting military spending is removing troops that are based in allied countries, wasting billions of dollars a year, billions that could be used to protect our own borders. He also says that not one dime would be taken away from defense because military and defense are two different things. As a baby doctor, he is pro-life, which I am as well. And then he has a different view of foreign policy, saying that boming a hostile country is not the answer. He thinks that opening free trade to these countries will help topple these dictators, and then we won't have a new country born out of hatred because of our involvement.
So many more things that Paul says relate to Americans. He has proven time and time again that he warned of the financial crisis, and how if people had listened to him, things right now might be different. But as a promise to help the economy, he says that 1 trillion will be cut from the deficit after only 1 year in office if he is elected. Pretty sweet deal, huh? Why wouldn't you vote for someone that promises that?
And it appears that Americans and agreeing with me. Primaries are showing that he is a candidate to watch out for. He has been a strong candidate, reaching high number of votes, and being a close first, second and third place during the primaries that already took place. And journalists say that he is actually the only candidate that is even close to beating Obama in the general election. That is an impressive thing to say. People also say that he is the "True Conservative". And I have to agree. Romney, Ginrich, and Santorum have nothing on Paul when it comes to being conservative.
Aimee Allen, one of my favorite artists and also a supporter of Ron Paul, made a video supporting him during the 2008 campaign, which also is making a huge impact on the election. "Revolution" is the theme to Paul's campaign, and it is very fitting. Watch it below:
So I think that I have said enough to prove that Paul is the right candidate for this country right now. While there are some things that he has not discussed that I would like for him to mention, such as Solar energy and Same-Sex marriage, he is making more hopeful and realistic promises than any other canidate in the election right now. And if I had the option to vote for him in the NC primary, I so would! So Ron Paul, you have my VOTE! And I hope all of the true Americans reading this will realize this as well and throw your support his way!
Support Ron Paul during the remaining election buy voting, follow him on Twitter: @RonPaul and buying his theme song by Aimee Allen here. Start a REVOLUTION!
A quick history about Ron Paul first. Born in 1935, this 76 year old man has gained a lot of experience and momentum over the years. Serving in the Air Force as a medical officer and then obstetrician-gynecologist, serving over 4,000 babies, then joining the political area in 1997, and serving his country since then. He has been a canidate 3 times, and I think this time he will make a lasting impact during the election, whether he wins or not.
As a master of the Constitution, many voters are turning to him to return to the founder's view on America, while many Republican leaders consider him a foe. Since his announcement for his bid for president in 2011, he has gained much fame and attention for his political views. He believes in cutting military spending, which people think will cut defense. But that is not true. What he means by cutting military spending is removing troops that are based in allied countries, wasting billions of dollars a year, billions that could be used to protect our own borders. He also says that not one dime would be taken away from defense because military and defense are two different things. As a baby doctor, he is pro-life, which I am as well. And then he has a different view of foreign policy, saying that boming a hostile country is not the answer. He thinks that opening free trade to these countries will help topple these dictators, and then we won't have a new country born out of hatred because of our involvement.
So many more things that Paul says relate to Americans. He has proven time and time again that he warned of the financial crisis, and how if people had listened to him, things right now might be different. But as a promise to help the economy, he says that 1 trillion will be cut from the deficit after only 1 year in office if he is elected. Pretty sweet deal, huh? Why wouldn't you vote for someone that promises that?
And it appears that Americans and agreeing with me. Primaries are showing that he is a candidate to watch out for. He has been a strong candidate, reaching high number of votes, and being a close first, second and third place during the primaries that already took place. And journalists say that he is actually the only candidate that is even close to beating Obama in the general election. That is an impressive thing to say. People also say that he is the "True Conservative". And I have to agree. Romney, Ginrich, and Santorum have nothing on Paul when it comes to being conservative.
Aimee Allen, one of my favorite artists and also a supporter of Ron Paul, made a video supporting him during the 2008 campaign, which also is making a huge impact on the election. "Revolution" is the theme to Paul's campaign, and it is very fitting. Watch it below:
So I think that I have said enough to prove that Paul is the right candidate for this country right now. While there are some things that he has not discussed that I would like for him to mention, such as Solar energy and Same-Sex marriage, he is making more hopeful and realistic promises than any other canidate in the election right now. And if I had the option to vote for him in the NC primary, I so would! So Ron Paul, you have my VOTE! And I hope all of the true Americans reading this will realize this as well and throw your support his way!
Support Ron Paul during the remaining election buy voting, follow him on Twitter: @RonPaul and buying his theme song by Aimee Allen here. Start a REVOLUTION!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Whitney Houston
Yesterday, the world lost a music icon, whose void cannot be filled. Her voice captivated millions in the years that she has spread her music throughout the globe. And even as I am writing this, I am listening to the music that made her music to this very day. Yes, Whitney Houston died yesterday at the early age of 48. And these sudden and sad events have caused her dedicated fans to reflect on her inspiration and classic music that has touched so many over the years.
As a singer, actress, and model, she had many ways to express herself and show off her talent. She has been known as one of the most awarded females in the world. And her songs have been known as some of the best, including "I Will Always Love You." She was also in some incredible films including "The Bodyguard", "The Preacher's Wife" and "Cinderella." But with her success, there were also many issues including drugs and issues with her marriage, which has clouded her success among fans and the public.
But she seemed to overcome all that. With her divorce, and her claim that she was clean of drugs, she returned to music, and seemed to have bounced back. With her new album, "I Look To You" and singles "I Look to You" and "Million Dollar Bill", she skyrocketed to the top, becoming #1 on the Billboard Top 200, and selling 300,000 copies of her album in the first week. And then she filmed a remake of the 1976 film "Sparkle" which is supposed to be her best acting performance.
Her death yesterday sent shockwaves across the world. She was found dead at the Beverly Hilton hotel. According to her page on Wikipedia, "Houston was running late to get ready for the pre-Grammy Awards party being held four floors down in the hotel by her mentor, Clive Davis. After her stylists and bodyguards became concerned that Houston was in the bathroom for over an hour, they knocked on the door but Houston did not answer back. A female hairdresser went to check on Houston and found her lying in the bathtub." Reports are circulating that she was intoxicated and guests even reported her to security. She was seen after her final performance with scratch marks and blood stains on her legs.
Fans have been honoring her and paying their respects since word of her death. Her famous songs have shot up the charts on iTunes, including "I Will Always Love You" which is currently #1. Tons of celebrities and twitter users have tweeted their thoughts on her, unable to accept that she is really gone at this early age. She has also been trending all day, as well as users of Facebook paying their respects.
Word also is that her daughter, Bobbi Kristina has been hospitalized. Reasons of this are really unclear, but they are claiming that anxiety are reasons.
It is clear that she made an impact on numerous people as well as the world. Her name and music will live on forever. I am wishing her family the best, and the fans that are suffering as well. RIP Whitney Houston!
As a singer, actress, and model, she had many ways to express herself and show off her talent. She has been known as one of the most awarded females in the world. And her songs have been known as some of the best, including "I Will Always Love You." She was also in some incredible films including "The Bodyguard", "The Preacher's Wife" and "Cinderella." But with her success, there were also many issues including drugs and issues with her marriage, which has clouded her success among fans and the public.
But she seemed to overcome all that. With her divorce, and her claim that she was clean of drugs, she returned to music, and seemed to have bounced back. With her new album, "I Look To You" and singles "I Look to You" and "Million Dollar Bill", she skyrocketed to the top, becoming #1 on the Billboard Top 200, and selling 300,000 copies of her album in the first week. And then she filmed a remake of the 1976 film "Sparkle" which is supposed to be her best acting performance.
Her death yesterday sent shockwaves across the world. She was found dead at the Beverly Hilton hotel. According to her page on Wikipedia, "Houston was running late to get ready for the pre-Grammy Awards party being held four floors down in the hotel by her mentor, Clive Davis. After her stylists and bodyguards became concerned that Houston was in the bathroom for over an hour, they knocked on the door but Houston did not answer back. A female hairdresser went to check on Houston and found her lying in the bathtub." Reports are circulating that she was intoxicated and guests even reported her to security. She was seen after her final performance with scratch marks and blood stains on her legs.
Fans have been honoring her and paying their respects since word of her death. Her famous songs have shot up the charts on iTunes, including "I Will Always Love You" which is currently #1. Tons of celebrities and twitter users have tweeted their thoughts on her, unable to accept that she is really gone at this early age. She has also been trending all day, as well as users of Facebook paying their respects.
Word also is that her daughter, Bobbi Kristina has been hospitalized. Reasons of this are really unclear, but they are claiming that anxiety are reasons.
It is clear that she made an impact on numerous people as well as the world. Her name and music will live on forever. I am wishing her family the best, and the fans that are suffering as well. RIP Whitney Houston!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Artist 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
One Direction
There seems to be a new brand of Boy Bands out there right now, and they have come with a bang! One Direction, consisting of UK natives Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson has struck it big in the music industry. After their individual defeats on the hit show The X Factor, they grouped up and faired a lot better. So good, that they made it to third place in the competition. Now, they are releasing new music, a new album, and prepared to hit the USA.
These guys have been successful in gaining international fame just like populard bands such as N'Sync, Jonas Brothers and Backstreet Boys. Everybody seems to be paying attention to them, and this has struck me as interesting. I heard their first single, "What Makes You Beautiful", which has already reached #1 in the UK. It is very good. Very up beat, and makes you want to join in with everyone else and jump with the music. Sadly for US fans, they have to wait until the end of March to get their hands on their upcoming album "Up All Night".
Still not sure of their popularity? Well to help you realize, take a look at their Twitter. They have gained over a million loyal followers...and growing! And on their Youtube channel, their single has recieved 36 million views with Youtube and Facebook endorsing it! Talk about a good start to a first album.
Still not convinced? Then you should hear the song for yourself. You can take a listen and watch the video here.
They have become so popular, that it seems that anyone that gets to meet them becomes a target of some jealous fans. A report says that fans who were invited on stage with the band were victims of a hate campaign. This has lead to the band being banned from brining fans up on stage again. Hate messages included "I think you're pathetic", and "You're kinda rat-faced", as well as, "You’re not even pretty, why did Harry choose you?” And even the girlfriend of one of the band members recieved death threats. To read more on this, you can go here.
And then some...interesting news popped up when it was discovered that band member Zayn was caught doing a naked dance in his home by his housekeeper. Louis described the incident, saying "It was hilarious. Zayn had his radio on full blast and was dancing around to Night Fever totally naked when his cleaner walked in on him. She walked in on him fully naked, properly giving it some! But the funny thing is, she didn't say, 'Sorry' and walk straight out. No, she said 'Sorry', glanced down and just stared. She was pretty shocked. She gasped and said 'Sorry, sorry' a few times and only then did she leave - Zayn kinda yelled too!" You can read that full article here.
So it is apprent that they are a growing popular band. They have great music out, and more on the way, they have a popular video that is growing with views by the day. But at the same time their every move is being watched by fans and fighting each other for a little bit of the "One Direction Action." But I think they are going to do real well, and I wish them the best in their upcoming ventures!
Haven't followed One Direction yet? Go ahead and follow! @onedirection
So what do you think of this band? To you like them or hate them? Post your thoughts and spread the word!
These guys have been successful in gaining international fame just like populard bands such as N'Sync, Jonas Brothers and Backstreet Boys. Everybody seems to be paying attention to them, and this has struck me as interesting. I heard their first single, "What Makes You Beautiful", which has already reached #1 in the UK. It is very good. Very up beat, and makes you want to join in with everyone else and jump with the music. Sadly for US fans, they have to wait until the end of March to get their hands on their upcoming album "Up All Night".
Still not sure of their popularity? Well to help you realize, take a look at their Twitter. They have gained over a million loyal followers...and growing! And on their Youtube channel, their single has recieved 36 million views with Youtube and Facebook endorsing it! Talk about a good start to a first album.
Still not convinced? Then you should hear the song for yourself. You can take a listen and watch the video here.
They have become so popular, that it seems that anyone that gets to meet them becomes a target of some jealous fans. A report says that fans who were invited on stage with the band were victims of a hate campaign. This has lead to the band being banned from brining fans up on stage again. Hate messages included "I think you're pathetic", and "You're kinda rat-faced", as well as, "You’re not even pretty, why did Harry choose you?” And even the girlfriend of one of the band members recieved death threats. To read more on this, you can go here.
And then some...interesting news popped up when it was discovered that band member Zayn was caught doing a naked dance in his home by his housekeeper. Louis described the incident, saying "It was hilarious. Zayn had his radio on full blast and was dancing around to Night Fever totally naked when his cleaner walked in on him. She walked in on him fully naked, properly giving it some! But the funny thing is, she didn't say, 'Sorry' and walk straight out. No, she said 'Sorry', glanced down and just stared. She was pretty shocked. She gasped and said 'Sorry, sorry' a few times and only then did she leave - Zayn kinda yelled too!" You can read that full article here.
So it is apprent that they are a growing popular band. They have great music out, and more on the way, they have a popular video that is growing with views by the day. But at the same time their every move is being watched by fans and fighting each other for a little bit of the "One Direction Action." But I think they are going to do real well, and I wish them the best in their upcoming ventures!
Haven't followed One Direction yet? Go ahead and follow! @onedirection
So what do you think of this band? To you like them or hate them? Post your thoughts and spread the word!
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