Tyler's World came to life January 2009. I started it when blogging was really getting attention. I also was looking for a new way to express myself after moving on from Podcasts and running a forum. So what better than talking about exciting things and myself than by writing, a new hobby that I have come to love.
While I did start the blog in 2009, I didn't really write until 2010. In 09, my thoughts on here were still unorganized, and my writing methods were still unformed. But in 2010, during a relaxed semester in school, I returned, and I haven't stopped since. And during the past year and a half, I have expanded and produced new thoughts in writing and recieved attention from people I never knew would notice it.
I first started by writing personal thoughts and just minor details of everyday life. After about a dozen articles, I realized that it wasn't catching my attention, which meant that the readers wouldn't be interested either. I knew I needed to branch out, and make it more fun for the both of us. I began expressing opinions of everyday life in the mainstream society, the moving on to movie, television, music and book reviews and my thoughts about people making headlines in the media.
And there have been alot of people that have noticed the blog and mentioned it or thanked me for what I have written. This includes Brian McFadden, Aimee Allen, Chris Salvatore, Mark Russell, One Call and Edens Edge for my review of their wonderful music, the APFED organization for my testimony dealing with Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Dina Meyer for my review of her, Crystal Bowersox for my review about Casey Abrams, and Lance Bass for my review on his memior, and so many more!
And then there have been some popular articles that I have written that has gotten a lot of attention, including the NOH8 article, defending Gay Rights, the article expressing the sadness about Tyler Clementi's death, and the article expressing the outrage for Christina Agulera's botched National Anthem. And then there are so many more that has captured the attention of so many people, and are continuing to do it today.
The point I am at right now in my writing has been a year and a half in the making, and I am so happy that this blog has helped me grow as a writer, and has helped me express myself to so many people in the world. But this isn't the end. Everyday has a new story, and I'll be here to talk about it, and voice the thoughts that so many people are thinking right now.
So until the next story, stay tuned...