So anyways, since my post in may, I have been apart of many different activities and hobbies. For one, I am no longer on my Chatter World site the way I was a long time ago. I guess running a forum is no longer as exciting as it was. I think I got burned out after 2 years of trying to advertise for it. But I continue to remain on the Delta Goodrem forum and I continue to love it.
I am also not faithfully posting on my twitter account either. Although I am trying again. But I have become very active in Facebook, as with the rest of the world I think. It is amazing how many people have "Tyler Cook" as their name on facebook.
As of July, I have taken up reading again. I started with the first Star Wars book of the New Jedi Order Series. And of course afterwards I wanted to know what happened next so after 19 more books I found out what happened. And by that time I got hooked and continued to read on into the other series. Right now, I'm on my 26th Star Wars book since July known as Exile from the Legacy of the Force series. And in between I have read many other books such as HP and the Deathly Hallows once again as well as New Moon and Left Behind. I cannot believe it has taken me so long to get back into reading.
There is lots more that I have done since then but I will wait to elaborate on that in my next post.
But for now I wanted to mention real quick about the USA State of the Union Address that took place last night. Strangely I enjoy watching it every year. Maybe it is because I am interested in the way politics work. Even while sitting at home watching I could feel the tension between the two political parties. Some heated topics such as Health care reform, education, a cleaner environment and allowing gays to go into the military openly took place.
I actually thought that President Obama had some good points. But whether those tasks are able to be done remains to be seen. And of course the Republican opposition had to speak a few words in on how the entire address was filled with misleading information and things that would further push our nation in a governmental collapse. I turned the TV off a few minutes after the Republican got on.
Now that we have gotten my opinion out of the way; what do you think about all of this governmental talk? Let me know in the comment box.
Wow, I think this post was much more longer than my last one. I hope I provided some good points.
I hope to talk to you tomorrow!
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