Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So here I sit, and it is 2:30 in the morning, and all I could think of is come here and talk about the new Twilight crave: Eclipse.  Really, I should be asleep right now, resting up for my glorious tooth filling that I will undergo bright and early tomorrow morning.  After working a 15 hour shift, I was suddenly in my car and on my way to the midnight showing.  I was literally 20 minutes before the movie started. 

Okay people, here is the review.  Probably one of the earliest ones out right now.  Yay for me!  The movie was okay.  It was like the book, it wasn't enough to send me straight back and read the book again.  Luckily for me, when I finished the book years ago, I had Breaking Dawn to sorta wash over the boredom.  Since I read the book, I thought that it really was just a fill-in.  I never though it served much purpose.  I also thought that killing the main villian since the first book/movie, Victoria, was really a major shift in the story line. 

In every storyline, Star Wars has Darth Vader/Sith, Harry Potter has Lord Voldemort, and then you go and have numerous villians in this Twilight series at random times.  Oh I'm sorry, I think I got a bit off track. 

Of course, the girls giggled at shirtless Jacob and the sex teases, and the guys, like myself, squinched at the makeout sessions, and what looked like a "very close" conversation between Jacob and Edward up on the mountain.  Remind you of anything in particular?  Haha, I just couldn't resist by putting that in there.

But, I do think they made up that mushy stuff in the action.  It probably had the most action out of all 3 of the movies.  I did enjoy the vampires and warewolfs fighting in fast motion. 

Overall, I thought it was a good movie.  It wasn't good enough to want me to come straight home and read the book again, but hey, it was something nice to watch.  Probably wouldn't do the midnight showing again though. 

Anyways, changing topics, if you do go see the movie, make sure to check out the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer.  That trailer alone will make you want to drop your current book, read Deathly Hallows over again.  Believe me, I know.  If you haven't seen it, you should certainly check it out on Youtube!!

Well guys, I hope I provided you a good enough review, and I look forward to see how the movie actually did!


1 comment:

  1. Sex teases? Hahahaha I think I just found my new favorite saying :) and yes it was very Brokeback Mountain with Jacob all sweaty and all. Edward can't sweat but I'm sure he was all a glitter
