This week has been almost overpowering. Yesterday concluded my 53rd hour of working for this week. Nearly 45 hours at one job, and 8 hours at the other one. It all has been a little bit too much. Then I loose alot of sleep because I wind up having to work a few hours after work, and then I have to wake up up bright and early the next morning to start it all again. And yet they wanted me to stay longer last night. But I said no, uh huh, because I was not going to stay another minute longer.
I was certainly in a bad mood after that. I was just extremely exhausted. And I went to a family picnic, and I think everybody could tell that I was not happy at all. I just wanted to rest my head on my pillow and sleep a few days. But next week will be the last week for awhile that things will be busy. My summer job will be over, thank god, and my hours at my more permenant job will be cut in half. Yay!! And I will also have my Ambassador program to work on, so I will still be busy, along with college.
Wow, it is so hard to believe that I will be starting college in a week! It feels like yesterday when I was graduating. I just finally got my diploma on my desk and now I am moving on to the big school. I feel like I'm not ready for it. But I guess now is as good of a time as ever! I guess I'm just going to have to take it one day at a time.
Well, that is all I have to say right now. Talk to you soon!
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