You know, I have never felt about writing about controversial topics before. I figured I would be smart and avoid the topics that alot of bloggers like to dig into. But today during a class, I realized that I actually enjoy getting into the middle of it all. I enjoyed voicing my opinion, and ready to oppose a statment when ready. I should have joined the debate team at school...
Today when I was thinking about what I wanted to write, my attention was to throw my outrage out and shove it in the faces of the American public, or whoever would read it. Some people are too conservative on some aspects, too liberal in others and flat outright cruel about others.
And I am talking about the hardcore topics too. I don't mess around with the petty disagreements that the society we live in deal with. I am talking about the debate with our hurt environment, abortion, evolution, gay treatment, and animal abuse.
So I guess I need to tell you right now what my stand is on these issues before people start making assumptions. I am a big environmentalist, and I have a hard time thinking that people could deny that our environment is hurting right now. I am a hardcore pro-life person up to the point where it comes down to the life-death threat that a mother and her child will face. I could really care less about the evolution issue because I live by my religion, but I won't trash the theories that science has to offer. I am in support of Gay marriage and fair treament towards the gay community. And I am dead set against animal cruelty and abuse. So there you go, that is my stand on things. I guess you could call me a traditional democrat, but I won't go on that road.
I really don't know what has gotten me to this point. Maybe it is because I feel that people think they can say whatever and not expect to get a counter-response. I know this blog may not reach every eye, nor am I expecting to drop everything and taking my lead, but I just want my voice to be heard. I usually just stand in the back and watch everything take place. But now I feel that it is my turn to speak what I feel.
Or maybe my anger is at the people slinging the mud, not the issue itself. You see these almighty respected individuals with so much influence, acting so harsh and conservative towards a certain subject, and then you hear reports that they are accused of the very same thing that they stand against. How hipocritical. And how two-faced.
Lets say for example this christian pastor in Atlanta. He has publically spoken against homosexuality, but now he is accused of same-sex relations with minors. Good luck with that one. And then there are so called "environmentalists", and you see them using more energy, fossil fuels, and less recycling than anyone. How funny.
It's so weird. I have no idea what purpose I have with this. It seems to be a mixture of everything wrong with society today. I know I can't do anything about it as one person, but I hope that people as a whole can eventually come together and overcome these obstacles that make these steryotypes and unfair environments.
But, I think we all must overcome our own self-demons in order to do this. Is it possible? Sure, actually, of course. But will it with the way people act today? Absolutely not.
Powerful message, you said a brief statement about your religion. What is your religion if you don't mind me asking? Also, if you are interested check out my blogs at and