Monday, November 15, 2010


I wanted to bring this to your attention. If you didn't read, my last post was about the Kanye West remarks that has gotten him in trouble in the past, and still is. I know by writing the article, I would be facing comments from both sides of the argument. But there was one comment that caught my eye, and I feel that putting it up on here will show divided this country is. It really makes me mad and sick. I have no problem puttin this up because the writer was anonymous:

"You're a fool dude. I am not a fan of Kanye West but for him to call Bush a racist was great for the world. It showed the rest of the world that America does not "bow down" to our puppet leaders (Bush, Obama, etc)."

To whoever wrote this, it is inaccurate and very biased. Yes, the results from Katrina was bad, and the lack of leadership shows in the faces of the victims that were stranded with no aid. But just because no aide was rushed to New Orleans after Katrina struck it, does not determine Bush's racial views. You also cannot say that the black community was the only victims. Black, white, and all ethnicities were affected, because this is America, and all groups live all over the country. So if you wanted to accuse Bush or any political leader of what happened, do not say it was because of race.

Thanks everybody for listening. I know this is a rather short post, but I wanted to make sure that this comment was exposed for the inaccurate content that it contained. But I'm just curious, how many others feel this way? Surely we are mostly past this racial boundary that was set decades ago. If not, then America is more lost than united.


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