Great news Verizon subscribers! The iPhone is coming to a store near you! This is something that many of you non-Verizon customers have been waiting for! For years, I have kept my eye on this subject, waiting to see when Verizon would actually get their hands on it. I always told myself that I wouldn't even consider buying it even if it would make it on the shelves, but now that it is coming, I have changed my mind.
My phone's contract, which I have had for over 2 years, has expired. I love my phone, it has been the best one I have had since the 2006 cell phone boom among teens. I really don't want to give it up. But let's face it, it's two years behind on the technology that we have today.
While the iPhone isn't really all that new, the new things that Verizon will add with their iPhone will make it cutting edge. The main thing that has caught my eye is the Hotspot feature that they are offering. It is something their other smartphone devices have. With this device, it can work as a WiFi network. If I have this correctly, any sort of WiFi capable device can run of of this Hotspot. Sounds like a good thing since my iPad doesn't have 3G, and my computers are all WiFi capable.
The next thing is the "Death-Grip" that so many are talking about. I haven't researched much into AT&T's experience with the iPhone. But this "Death-Grip" was a big problem. So Verizon has said that there will be no problem with their iPhone.
So I'm trying to figure out if I want to buy it. The most I would ever pay to have that phone would be $30 a month just like all the other smart phone services. So let me ask you. Will you buy it? And for AT&T customers, do you wish that you waited?
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