Thursday, April 1, 2010


I know I promised all of you that I would post my L&O review yesterday, but I got held up.  Actually, I was performing with my musical group at Brevard College in NC.  It was such a very exciting time.  And we made a Superior!  How amazing is that!!!  This year's group is the first on in 15 years in our area to make a superior!!  Great job you guys. 

Okay, so lets shift over to Law and Order: Criminal Intent.  It was the moment some of us have been waiting for.  While it is the beginning of a new era of crime solving for some, it is the end of a great era for others.  Yes, Tuesday's episode and next Tuesday's will be Vincent D'onofrio and Katheryn Erbe's last apperance on the show. 

Today, I'm going to breakdown the entire episode, with some comparisons and reviews.  There will be a ton of spoilers on this one, so for you who haven't seen it yet, beware!  Also, there may be parts of the episode that I misunderstood, so please bear with me. 

Okay, so the show starts out like it usually does.  The bad guys do their act, in this case, people seeking out pirates.  But it turns out, they just use their weapons to blow up innocent ships.  The main leaders then notice a very clean authoritive captain that is willing to be apart of a new operation to set up a police for in Somalia.  This could only be the great Captain Danny Ross.  We then see them present the offer to Ross.  And the opening ends to one of the leaders dying. 

Ross accepts the 2 million deal to go to Somalia to run this force for two years.  Afterwards, he meets with this "secret" woman and says, "I've sold my soul."  The scene ends when we see that Ross is his new woman are being tailed and photographed. 

Throughout the beginning of the first half, Eames and Goren begin to notice the changes in Ross, such as him appearing with the new woman, and acting odd when asked about the case.  Ross then tells the team that the FBI have taken over the case, and to back off.  Of course Goren doesn't, and interviews one of the leaders secretly on his airspace.  We are led to believe that they are now onto Goren, which leads back to Ross.  Ross then gets in the car to meet up with the leaders, and when shown the pictures of him and his woman, is shot dead. 

Eames gets the call of Ross's death, and Goren and herself rush down to the crimescene.  The FBI has already taken over, and refuse to let them through.  We then learn that he was undercover, and the woman was actually a FBI agent.  After constant fighting, G & A break through to see their captain for the last time.  They then rush back to major case to get the files at Ross's office before the FBI does. 

Back at the Major Case Squad, we see Goren and Eames struggling to gather all of the information.  When they resort to ripping the hardrive out, Det. Zach Nochols (played by Jeff Goldblum) conviently drops by and says that he has a flashdrive.  This is where he teams up with the 2 to find any links to the case.  They find a link and makes an arrest. 

They interrogate and breaks the suspect to the point where he is willing to cooperate.  Just at the moment, the FBI shows us, and takes him into custody.  Goren makes his case saying that if they take him he will get away.  And Goren takes off stage to leave us hanging for next week. 

This was a really good episode.  It wasn't what I was expecting though.  To be honest, I was hoping for an episode like the season finale of Season 7.  I felt that would have been a whole lot better.  But at the same time, we still haven't seen the second part.  But according to the previews, it looks like it's gonna be juicy!! 

Well that pretty much covers it guys!!  I hope you enjoyed my breakdown of the episode, and next week I will have a full detailed review of the 2 part series!!  Stay tuned!!



  1. Tyler,
    I love Vincent as Bobby Goren and hate to see him and Kathryn leave the show. I liked Part 1 a lot and anxiously await Part 2. Thank you for writing the recap.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment Dee. Lets see, I'm trying to think, are you from the USA forum? I'm just trying to see if we have talked before.
