Thursday, December 23, 2010


Wow, it has been so long since my last post. I just don't seem to find the time to write anymore. But don't worry, I'll make up for it in this new post!

Winter has returned. And it is a messy one. Like most of the time, my town does not get all the pretty and flufy snow, it gets ice, sleet, and freezing rain. It only makes a slushy mess. But it still lets the kids out of school. And with two little sisters, I am constantly aware of how stupid the school system is. They called of school three times last week. The kids got excited, but they stopped smiling when they find out that the days are going to be made up during their Christmas break. Suprise!!

But they are calling for a huge snow here on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. 5-6 inches! This is something everybody is excited about, especially me! I think it has only snowed once here during Christmas, and it was when I was really little. Yes, my family has already thought of changing our trip plans, which I still don't know where we are going.

I have still been keeping up with my smallville episodes. I probably watch one every day, 4 if I'm really bored. I'm telling you, I am so addicted to that show, and it is really nice to just keep watching them instead of waiting each week for a new one like you would usually do.

Let's Duesl! Ha, that's been what I have wanted to do for some long now. Yes, I know that wanting to play Yugioh while 19 is a little childish, but I always enjoyed it. This month that Shonen Jump manga was giving a legal Winged Dragon of Ra game card. I always said I would buy that card when it became legal, so I got it! Sadly though, I don't know anybody that is still interested enough to use it! Oh well!

Work pretty much remains the same way. Some days are great, and some days I just want to walk out. I really hope it won't come to me walking out. And it's ironic, because I have been told that I am on of the best employees. I just wish that things would get better for a change. I mean come on, it's Christmas.

Well I think that will be all for now. I plan on doing a christmas post tomorrow so make sure to stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. A lot of bloggers have been slow on blogging around the Christmas season including me. But I can't blame the holiday because I've done all my Christmas shopping, I think its pure laziness and the fact I never eat food with energy sources.
