Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Last night, at my shift at work, I experienced the most violating and creeped out experience of my life. I don't think I have ever felt that way before. I wanted to just run away and hide in a closet. And I think my co-workers felt the same way as well.

It all started when word was going around that a drunken or high couple was in the building. It was no big deal to me because lot of people that walk through our doors seems drunk or high. But things got interesting when the husband came our way. He asked my shift leader for a lighter, so she goes to look for one to stay away from him, leaving me to have to listen to his stories.

He was giving stories about the games that we had in the building, stories about his experience with paintball guns, and then he talked about his journey with the guitar. He said he once played in front of 1500 people, but did it for free to not, "Sell my soul to the devil". He then talked how he got an adrenaline rush from playing. "It's like when those guys jump off those planes for fun. I get a real high off of playing. A free high. It's addicting though. But it doesn't hurt anybody."

I was glad when he left. It took me forever to break away from the conversation. Sadly, he only left my station and wondered to other parts of the building. And the next thing I know, his wife comes around. She begs to use my cell phone, but I direct her to our company phone. She talks on it forever. When she gets done, she asks me how to hang up. And I go, "Uh, you put the phone back on the hook."

She then goes on the verge of tears and says that her best friend died. I was really sympathetic, and said, "Aw I'm sorry." My voice must have been a little higher than I wanted it to be when I said it because she told me to come closer to ask me a personal question, "Are you gay?" I was wowed by her honesty and not at all embarrassed by asking it. I told her I wasn't, but she said that it was the feminine and sensitive side that most guys don't have. And the only thing I thought of after that was, "Do I have a boob that I don't know about?"

She continued to make the situation awkward by asking me to shake her 4- fingered hand, and then see if I felt the pain that she feels when not having that finger. The random topics jumped from her loosing her finger and her 14 friends being murdered the same year. She also talked about her uncle molested her as a young child, and how she was on TV somehow. But what really stuck out to me was she said that she could read people's soul, and could tell if they were good or bad. She shaking my hand, she said that I had the soul of a heaven's angel. I haven't been able to get that one out of my head for so long after that.

I finally broke away from her as well, and was glad when security escorted both of them out. I have never been so creeped out like that before. After taking them home, our security officer said that they wanted to tell me that I was always welcome to go to their house, "To bring out the young child in me." Uh, no thanks. Have you ever seen a movie where old women get obsessed with young guys, so they are so nice to them and then they kidnap them and trap them in their basements for months and try to convince them that he is really her son? Yeah, that's how I felt I was gonna be.

I was glad when I got home and took a shower to feel clean. I really felt violated. But still, the angel thing that she told me stays in my mind. If I knew that neither of them touched drugs or alcohol, I would think she was profit or something. I'm wondering if I'll need an exit buddy to get to my car from work from now on.


1 comment:

  1. i would have bursted out laughing if some random person tried to read my soul. thats some black magic stuff
