Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sorry guys, but that post has been bumped again. One day I'll release it. But this new story broke in hours ago, and I felt it should be talked about. Thousands of One Call lovers and fans were in for a shock just mere hours ago and now just a few minutes ago. Jose Bordonada, former member of Menudo, and AG announced that they were leaving the group. This seems rather sudden, leaving fans in complete shock and sadness. Even I, a growing fan for this group, was suprised to hear this. But is it all true? Some fans are questioning it because of the timing, while some fans have no idea where the band will go from here.

While I was working, I got a text from the group's twitter saying, "Whats up people! I have something very IMPORTANT to say.. go to to find out... love yall. - Jose". And I thought, awesome, they are going to release some new stuff! And since their hot single "Blacklight", I have been waiting for some news for their next single, or even word of an album.

When I read the messages, I was nothing short of suprised. This is what Jose had to say:

"Hey, guys! This is Jose. Throughout the past 4 years of my life I’ve had many blessings in which a lot of you have been a part of. I was lucky to have found what I’m destined for at such an early stage in my life. Before I continue, I want everyone to know that I’m very, VERY GRATEFUL of all the opportunities and stages that have come my way. But sometimes in life we have to stop running, take a breath and start running again. With all this I wanna announce to all of you that I am no longer a member of One Call. I wanted to say this myself, not only because I don’t want rumors going around, but because my fans and the people who have been on this journey with me, deserve it. This decision WAS NOT made for me, I chose to follow my heart and sing because it makes me happy, not because being in a group its what I had been used to for so long. The fact that I left the group doesn’t mean that One Call is done, I’m not saying anything by it, I have no knowledge of what the groups’ next step will be, but I’m sure you will get news soon. Some people might like this, some people might not… but I know the true fans (not the haters) will never disappoint me, you guys never do. CHANGE ITS ONLY THE BEGINNING… YOU’LL HEAR MY VOICE AGAIN SOON. I LOVE YOU ALL, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! Last thing since I've seen so many comments already :P I will get my own twitter (LOL) and continue to keep singing, but all in good time, I'll find you guys ;) LOVE U ALL! - JOSE"

And AG announced his only thirty minutes ago, saying close to same thing as Jose.

Their account was instantly flooded with words of farewell, and sadness. But some were not convinced by this announcement. Some think this is an early April Fool's joke. Which makes sense, and the timing fits well. A fan even went as far to comment with "i really hope this is a really early april fools joke, cause im pretty bummmed,:(". Even thought AG denies that this is all a joke, many fans, including myself thinks that this could still be a hoax. And with both of them saying close to the exact thing, it is hard to think they are not joking.

So if this is true, which it 90% seems like it, where does that leave the rest of the band? It leaves only Justin and and Chris, unless they also make a sudden announcement. Will they continue to record music and release it? Or will they all start to leave as well, like what we saw with the rising band V Factory, until 2 left? Not sure. But by the sound of Jose and AG, the group plans on continuing on. But I really don't see how "One Call" can go on. This group seemed like a family and each voice went together like a puzzle peice. And without two of the pieces, I don't see how the group can continue. But I expect that the band will make some announcement of their future before fans go into an uproar.

Also, I think fans will be asking why they left. Although they said they felt they were better off on their own, I think fans will suspect that something else was going on. And while they shut down some ideas, many more remain. So I am sure the truth will come out soon.

So One Call, I'm sure many fans are hearbroken right now, but they support decisions you make. Hopefully it will come clear why things happened so fast, and they can return to just thinking about your great music!


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