I bet you saw this post coming. And after my little rant on Twitter last night, I felt it would be appropriate to talk about it. We all know of Charlie Sheen, and we definately know of the drama that has surrounded his name over that past month or so. And this week we have seen the child and angry person inside him.
We have heard of his popular show "Two and a Half Men". It had millions of viewers and I think was probably the most popular show around right now. I never watched it, but I had always heard of it. This week, Sheen was fired from the show due to the comments that he made, lashing at his co-workers and bosses, calling them "turncoats" and "Unwanted List".
But after he was fired, he retaliated with his own webshow. And I have to laugh at this because I have seen alot of stupid stuff, but nothing like Charlie Sheen making a fool of himself on the web. He comments on the firing, saying that "What has occurred, yes, in fact is a completely and entirely illegal and unconscionable act, or, to quote my lawyer, 'really sh---y sh---y suck suck.'"
And he even goes as far to say to Chuck Lorre, "Can you smell your smell? Can you smell your rotting dogsh--, your fermented puke that is your rotted viscera?" Sheen said. "Can you smell the lies, can you smell the carnage you've created? Can you smell the wimpy, scared child you'll never have the courage to embrace? ... It smells like malaria. If sad and stupid had a smell attached it would be you, F--- Lorre. It's perfect your name rhymes with suck, muck. You picked a fight with a warlock, you little worm....Good luck putting those tin-can sh--brain [words] in the mush-mouth of some arrogant carcass you've traded for this warlock."
And what is with this whole "Winning" thing he keeps talking about? It makes no sense. But on the other hand, is anything he says making any sense at this point? Crazy, right? He calls himself a warlock now? Yes, I guess he will have to think beyond reality to get himself out of the mess that he has dug himself into. He has lost his kids, his wife, his ex-wife and his two girls with her. And no career. Why would you risk all of that? Lord do I know.
But Sheen has found some comfort with this mess. Rosanne Barr has blogged her support for him, saying that working with Lorre was hard for her as well. And people on Twitter have been following him like crazy. I know I was so astonished that people would follow someone like him based on his fiasco and I tweeted, "Everybody is following @charliesheen like crazy. But nobody follows me. Guess I have to destroy my life & create a disaster of a web show...And that, my friend, is not Winning. That is Failing! Epically!"
Charlie, I suggest you go get some help. You are not helping anybody out by acting like an ass right now. Alot of people admired you and I hope they do not follow your example. I hope you get your act together before they cart you off unvoluntarily.
As for you people following him, do you support his actions? Or are you just want to look cool by following him? If you ask me, I suggest you all find someone else to admire because you can't be famous for long acting like that.
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