Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama's Stand

Just yesterday, President Obama opened the eyes of millions globally with his new perspective on a very controversial topic.  And this topic could be the defining moment of his current presidency, his reelection, and possibly even his presidency for the next four years.  Yesterday, it was announced that Obama would be speaking with Good Morning America, announcing that he thought that same-sex marriage "should be legal." 

This has sparked a fire in the nation as states are debating whether to allow it to be legal, or to permanently ban it in the constitution, as well as political and celebrity figures coming out with thier opinion on the issue.  And from personal experience, it is forcing people to voice their true opinion, whether good or bad.  But I think it is about time that this issue be addressed, and allow equality once and for all!

In the interview with Good Morning America, Obama says, "I've just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married...Malia and Sasha believe discrimination against gay marriage "doesn't make sense to them" and frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective...This is something that, you know, we've [Mr. and Mrs. Obama] talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do."

This interview came just a day after North Carolina passed the Amendment One bill by a landslide to allow the ban of Gay Marriage.  Many think that it didn't matter the timing of Obama's interview, the Amendment would have been passed, but it would have sparked more people in to joining the fight.  We discussed in on my last post, and we know how damaging this bill is to families in general. 

Opponent, and most likely Republican candidate Mitt Romney quickly responded to Obama's interview, with a completly view.  "When these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts I indicated my view which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender and I don't favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name...My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate but the others are not."

Obama has already recieved praise from his statement.  Many gay rights organizations, Twitter and Facebook have flooded with supportive comments.  But not all have been supportive.  Many are disappointed with his decision to support it, and say it will hurt him at the ballots this fall. 

If this will hurt his election, we don't know for sure.  I personally think it will only help him.  Whether this move was made to increase his chances of winning in the fall, or because of a personal reason, it makes him look like Abraham Lincoln and JFK in terms of leaders of equal rights.  I think this will unite the Democratic party, and rally the youth to support this overwhelmingly.  Unfortunately, we can't expect federal involvement now because Obama does believe that it should be up to the states to decide.  But I think that eventually public opinion will be the same, and it will be allowed nation-wide. 

It will only get heated from this point.  Already I have discussed this with 3 people, and had a heated debate with one of them, with a polite disagreement with another.  Many oppose this, and opposition will continue to grow.  But I am sure that we won't back track now, we can only go further, and the gay community will recieve the same rights that they deserve!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Battle of North Carolina

I know I haven't been active on my blog in some time, but this is a topic that I think cannot be ignored.  Tomorrow the Battle of North Carolina begins.  What is this, you ask?  It is my title for the primary voting that will take place tomorrow statewide.  And not only voting for people to represent us in the community, but also a piece of legislation that could forever alter the future of the state.  I am talking about the controversial Amendment One, which will define marriage between one man and one woman.  This would ban any chance of legal same-sex marriage, or any civil unions or partnerships.  This has created verbal warefare between everyone living in this state.  And it has shown where established institutions stand such as religious congregations and state representatives.  But people are speaking out agains this, fearing that if this would bring more consequences than planned. 

Millions of dollars on each side have been spent to express their views.  And the exposure of this debate has created a nationwide question, "Are we ready to accept Same-Sex couples as a legal form of marriage?" 

Of course you know my views on this, and how I will be voting tomorrow, basing it on my past posts.  In modern society, marriage doesn't need to be defined between one man and one woman.  I have taken a Sociology course, and people go against Same-Sex marriage because it interferes with the Funcionalism theory, which is the belief that parts such as reproduction, marriage, parenting, schools, governments, and religion are the organs to our functioning society.  And many claim that gay marriage remove the reproduction and marriage, therefore destroying our society.  But I highly disagree with this.  While Same-Sex couples cannot reproduce in a conventional way, they use methods that are popular not only with them, but also with heterosexual couples.  And if they were granted marriage, they could carry out their intended role in society just as well as if they were straight. 

This isn't the first time this debate has come about.  This has been a heated topic for years, but opinions finally turning now in favor of these couples that deserve the right to marry as much as anyone else.  States are finally getting their act together and making marriage legal.  But the south is harder to make this a reality.  But North Carolina is the first state with the opprotunity to really send a message and oppose the discrimination that the other states have been stubborn about.  And members of this state, no matter the gender or age, has come out in opposition of this law, making the outcome anyones guess. 

This law has many consequences if passed, which should make many of you question which is the right decision.  The law is so broad that it could "deny health insurance for the children of domestic partners and endanger domestic violence survivors who are not married to their abusers."  And not only would this effect gay couples, but straight as well.  Who would want someone to vote for something that is so dangerous to our community? 

While there are some huge supporters of this law, including Newt Gingrich, and the iconic religious Graham family, there are way more people that are opposed to this.  First of all, our President of the United States opposes this.  And the list goes down from Governor Bev Purdue to leaders of Bank of America and Duke Energy.  With highly influencial figures such as these opposing this, I don't see how many people can ignore this. 

And here is something interesting about what people think about when it comes to voting about this.  According to, "A Public Policy Polling survey released last week showed that 55% of respondents favor the amendment and 41% oppose it. However, when respondents were informed about the broad reach of the amendment, only 38% supported it, compared to 46% opposed."  So that is why it is so important for people to really know what they are voting for, and really search their souls before voting, and hopefully be able to sleep with their decision. 

I'm sure many of you have already made your mind up about this.  And that is fine, no matter what your view is on this.  But I do ask that you be completely aware of what you are voting for.  And imagine that this was your lifestyle that is being voted on.  How would you want the outcome to be, and determining how you spend your time with your spouses and children.  The Battle of North Carolina is going to be a big one, and I hope that you join the fight. 
