Thursday, September 30, 2010


Some people just really make me sick. I don't know why people are so cruel and uncompassionate towards people that do not share equal views, or do not openly share lifestyles because they fear that people will judge them for that reason. Whether it is about sexual orientation, political preference, ethnic groups, you name it. And the many different ways people treat them for those reasons are unconcievable.

For people who don't watch the news, tv of some sort, or read internet articles, a boy by the name of Tyler Clementi took his own life to escape the harsh treatment given by his roommate. A freshmen in college, attending Rutgers University, he really had his name out there. They say that he was a very accomplished musician through his school. I saw that he was featured in many school music videos on Youtube. And you know what, his life was changed forever because his roommate passed judgement on him.

Okay, I'm just going to get down to the nitty gritty. His roommate discovered that Tyler was making out with a guy from that same school. He tweeted about it (funny, but his twitter has now disappeared), talking sarcastically about what he knew.

Unknown to Tyler, this same roommate had a secret webcam in his room while engaging in sexual activities with this same guy. Get this though, the roommate streamed it live over the net, and tweeted for people to watch it. I'm not fully aware of the situation from there, but I assume that he found out and took his own life by jumping the George Washington bridge. Such a tragedy.

I don't know about you, but I am pretty mad about this. Not only did he expose this guy's privacy, but he also streamed it live in front of potentially millions of viewers. And you know that people get off of this type of public humiliation.

People like that give people and the internet a bad name. No wonder schools try to regulate everything we do. No wonder people are afraid to really express what they want to say or what they feel. Look at Bishop Eddie Long and other political leaders. They don't know this, but what they say impacts someone one way or another.

Now, I have already said that I support gay rights and everything that involves that. It's not something that I would do, but why should I pass judgment on someone for who they love or what they do? I know I would hate people passing judgement on me for something. And just imagine if we all could stop all of this bigotry and people could feel safe in what they want to do. The world would be such a better place to live in. Just something to think about. I'll be praying for Tyler Clementi and his family tonight. And I think we should all pray for the people that instigate this stuff to happen.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Toxic Glee

So who watched last night's Glee? Anybody who is anybody probably did. It was simply amazing. It was great for all of the wrong reasons. Of course, it had Britney Spears in it, so of course you would feel a little bit dirty after it.

It reminds you how wild Britney would make you. I remember the girls would take up her lead and dress up as the free school girl that Britney played. And then we see pythons as pets.

The Glee cast did an amazing job with this episode. They helped relive all of the good and wild moments by Britney down to a T. And we cannot forget their final song. 'Toxic' was simply amazing. I tend to not like to buy Glee songs, but I'm thinking I may have to make an exception for this song. It was so well-put together.

Probably my favorite part was when they all went to John Stamos' dentistry to get under anestesia to have their 'Britney Fantasy'. Each one had a new one, and each one was a Britney hit. What was also funny was that Kurt was the only one to first have the idea of a Britney performance. By the end of the episode, almost everyone wanted a Britney performance after visiting Stamos.

Another funny thing was during the 'Toxic' performance, Sue yelled, "Sexual Riot", and turned the fire alarm on. Everybody rushed out, and Sue had to have a neck brace on due to everyone trampling on her.

So, this episode was really funny. It had a little bit of everything. It just goes to show that Britney is truly a pop/sex icon, and she probably will never give up her crown. If only she would straighten up a bit, then she could make some really good music again!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So you can probably tell now that I have alot of personal demons to deal with. I'm mainly talking about my last post. But you know what, I'm going to try and look ahead of all of this. I really don't know what I'm going to do about it, but it is really just a situation where you have to deal with it when it happens.

Moving on...I feel alot better about work. No, the situation is not better. But, knowing that pretty much every employee feels the same way that I do makes me feel a whole lot better. And even the 3 assistant managers feel the same way. Go figure.

But last night, our head manager finally unraveled the "Code of Conduct" that we knew was coming. It included such rules as parking a block away from the building so our cars don't inconvience customers. It also included the big rule, "No associating with co-workers". Yeah, good luck with that. Whatever happened to working as a team to getting things done. He doesn't understand that we all worked like dogs to get the jobs done everyday, and we even stayed hours after we were supposed to to get the place in tip-top shape.

It makes me laugh and nervous at the same time. I laugh because I know alot of the employees won't take it seriously. What makes me nervous is what he will do when he realizes that his policies are not taking full effect. And you know who get punished for it? Yes, me. My co-workers say I have nothing to worry about because I'm one of the best, but really, you have to stay on your toes. There may come a time soon when I will have to fight for the position that I currently hold. And yes, I will fight for it.

Well, that was a little rebellious thought. I don't have many of those, so this is suprising that I am writing this. My last thought is just remember to watch out for the new guys, because they are more than likely to screw things up for you! Have a wonderful day!


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Amazing! You have no idea how excited I was about the response from the last post. For those that don't follow me on Twitter and such, the last post drew in over 1,000 views into this blog. I looked all over and I could see other people posting my link in the web and talking about my views. I said that I didn't expect to get a huge crowd with it, but wow, you guys proved me wrong! Thank you so much! It really touched me to see that so many wanted to read what I had to say!

Alot of people mainly focused on what I had to say about Bishop Eddie Long. It was a prime example of my entire point. People were angered by him today as he stepped into the pulpit and denied the claims based on those 4 men. Some say he is guilty, but some say there isn't enough to prove. But one thing is for certain, which once again refers back to my las post, if he had just never spoken agains homosexuality, alot of people would have never paid attention to this. That's what you call taking more than you can chew!

But wow, I have no idea how I managed to put so many thoughts in my last post. How many was there? Too many for me to count. As you can tell, I had alot going through my head at the time. And you can tell I did not think about it long because it's all jumbled up. But seriously, I hope I made a point with it. Maybe some people will follow my lead.

To be truthful, my entire week has been rough. Sorry, maybe make that 2 weeks. School work continues to pile on itself. Work continues to get more complicated every day due to our new manager. My dad's recent health scare. Thankfully though, everything is fine. And another thing that has happened that may possibly bring my overall family together.

I can't say that I have taken a liking to my uncle the past few years. Not that he knows anything about this. I tend to keep my feelings toward him a secret. One side of my family just wants to keep the peace on some things. So why should I bring back old wounds? Not me, not I.

I won't go into the nitty gritty, because what happened is a soap opera in itself. Long story short, I was very close to him and vice versa. He got married, and eventually took actions based on accusations by her. I won't go into who it involved (it wasn't me personally) or what it involved, but his actions led me to loose respect and admiration in everything that he was and what he stood for. His actions also split that side of my family in half for 2 years because of it.

I had not seen him in person in over 2 years, nor did I want to. While it did not involve me, I felt just as betrayed and hurt. I also felt that it was so hipocritcal of him to act like that and in the 2 year hiatus, he becomes a very big figure in his church. While I am very religious, I felt that a confession in my front yard would have sufficed alot better.

They then proposed that we shared Christmas together after 2 long years. While the rest of my family agreed, I was dead set against it. But for my family's sake I agreed. Since then, I have put a fake front. The situation has improved some, but never will it be the same again.

Okay, to my point. Sunday he was rushed into the hospital for some known symptoms. Monday, he is diagnosed with Addisons disease. I really don't know how to really explain it, but I'll compare it to how your immune system is trashed after chemo. Apparently he has had this for some time, but just now diagnosed. He has been a basket case since then, along with my grandmother and who knows who else.

Now, don't say, "Wow, his cold heart really can bleed," when I say that I was really concerned about all of this. I wanted to go and be there for him during his hard time. But of course, school and work had a firm grip on me. He has since returned home, but his life will be altered forever.

So now I sit here with many emotions. And what kills me is that the entire time that I think of what horrible things he is going through, and all I want is to tell him how I feel that he betrayed me, my family, and how much I despise him for it.

Maybe I can make things better by continuing to be there for him during his health crisis. Hey, maybe even this will bring us closer, possibly. Or maybe my intention is to tell what I really want to say to get some closure...for the both of us.

All I know is that with everything going on right now, the only time I can escape reality is when I do my 6 minute commute to work, school and home every day.


Friday, September 24, 2010


You know, I have never felt about writing about controversial topics before. I figured I would be smart and avoid the topics that alot of bloggers like to dig into. But today during a class, I realized that I actually enjoy getting into the middle of it all. I enjoyed voicing my opinion, and ready to oppose a statment when ready. I should have joined the debate team at school...

Today when I was thinking about what I wanted to write, my attention was to throw my outrage out and shove it in the faces of the American public, or whoever would read it. Some people are too conservative on some aspects, too liberal in others and flat outright cruel about others.

And I am talking about the hardcore topics too. I don't mess around with the petty disagreements that the society we live in deal with. I am talking about the debate with our hurt environment, abortion, evolution, gay treatment, and animal abuse.

So I guess I need to tell you right now what my stand is on these issues before people start making assumptions. I am a big environmentalist, and I have a hard time thinking that people could deny that our environment is hurting right now. I am a hardcore pro-life person up to the point where it comes down to the life-death threat that a mother and her child will face. I could really care less about the evolution issue because I live by my religion, but I won't trash the theories that science has to offer. I am in support of Gay marriage and fair treament towards the gay community. And I am dead set against animal cruelty and abuse. So there you go, that is my stand on things. I guess you could call me a traditional democrat, but I won't go on that road.

I really don't know what has gotten me to this point. Maybe it is because I feel that people think they can say whatever and not expect to get a counter-response. I know this blog may not reach every eye, nor am I expecting to drop everything and taking my lead, but I just want my voice to be heard. I usually just stand in the back and watch everything take place. But now I feel that it is my turn to speak what I feel.

Or maybe my anger is at the people slinging the mud, not the issue itself. You see these almighty respected individuals with so much influence, acting so harsh and conservative towards a certain subject, and then you hear reports that they are accused of the very same thing that they stand against. How hipocritical. And how two-faced.

Lets say for example this christian pastor in Atlanta. He has publically spoken against homosexuality, but now he is accused of same-sex relations with minors. Good luck with that one. And then there are so called "environmentalists", and you see them using more energy, fossil fuels, and less recycling than anyone. How funny.

It's so weird. I have no idea what purpose I have with this. It seems to be a mixture of everything wrong with society today. I know I can't do anything about it as one person, but I hope that people as a whole can eventually come together and overcome these obstacles that make these steryotypes and unfair environments.

But, I think we all must overcome our own self-demons in order to do this. Is it possible? Sure, actually, of course. But will it with the way people act today? Absolutely not.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Great news for Law and Order fans! Yes, if you haven't heard it already, Vincent D'Onofrio will be returning to the Law and Order Criminal Intent series for season 10. While the plan is to only have an 8 episode season, and that would end the series, they have left the door open to a possible further future if the show returns to a good standing. Many fans have already shown their support. Here is what I posted in the LOCI forum on USA (the quote was from previous posts):

When I got this news on my phone via twitter, I nearly flipped out.

Speaking of Twitter, I was wondering when USA would ever mention something about the show. Their last post about about Abram in the season finale. But anyways...

Yes, Yes, we can all now say I TOLD YOU SO. I think we are all very shocked to hear this bit of news. The though of Goren suddenly returning after 14 so episodes without him seems weird. And right now they are still negotiating with Erbe, meaning that Burrows is possibly still in the future, along with Mastrintonio.

Imagine how much money they had to pay Vincent. And imagine how much they will have to pay Erbe as well. But you know, I think Erbe will be a bit more easier to get on board with this since Vincent is now back.

Imagine the storyline that they will be making. They will need to make it big to gain back whatever fans that will be interested to see Goren and Eames return. Like myself and someone else on here have talked about, here is a possible storyline that I have thought up:

"One of my fantasy episodes of them returning would be if the Cheif of Ds' was in the midst of a scandal concerning many detectives getting fired for various reasons (Including Goren of course, and Eames quitting would only help raise suspicions).

They are brought back into the Major Case Squad undercover (Authorized by someone higher than the COD) to investigate. And then Goren and Eames will return publicly to the Squad after exposing the COD and revealing that firing Goren was not on legal grounds. The storyline could be so deep that they could bring it back up for the series finale (if they decide on the 8-episode season that people are talking about) and end the show with a very pretty bow on top."

And let us all agree that ratings will jump with Goren's return, despite the fact that not every single CI fan will return. I think the show can easily regain a million viewers that they lost, if not more. Lets see, the finale of season 8 was 4.5 million. I think they could end with a 4 million audience. Not bad a bad thought.

And to be honest, just because they say it is the finale season, doesn't mean that it will be the FINAL season. I think they want to see how many people will jump on this wagon and see how far they can go with it. 8 episodes may be the plan for now, but they may have plans for more if things go well.

So what do you think? This show is right now at the edge of it's end. Do you think Vincent and possibly Erbe can bring this show back to the way it once was? You be the judge, but I think great things will happen now.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just Say So

Brian McFadden and Delta Goodrem have both really been in the spotlight lately, both in the USA and in Australia. We saw Delta perform lovely in the 'Stand Up To Cancer' event, and quickly seeing her perform for the 10th anniversary of the Virgin Airlines. But at the same time Brian has gotten things done by releasing the 'Mistakes' music video, as well as release the single and planning on releasing 'Just Say So' in the USA next week.

First of all, the video. The video has gotten thousands of views and awesome reviews from all over the world. Not only is it for a good song, but the video is hot, funny and sexy. To see the hottest couple right now film a video like this is nothing short of genius.

And then of course there is the new single in Australia. Yes, he released the 'Mistakes' single. The cover is simply to die for, and the song continues the feeling. It is not that much different than the original album version, but it is worth the buy to Australian buyers because you get both the song and video for the price of one. Great deal!! And so far it is making it up the Itunes charts really fast. It's going to be the next big thing is Australia.

And now for the big news in the USA. Brian will be releasing his first hit single from the 'Wall of Soundz' album, 'Just Say So'. It is what many USA Brian fans have been waiting for. And if it makes as much of an impact that it did in Australia, it is going to be huge!! But remember, us fans have to stand together and make sure that the single makes it big. So make sure to start buing Itunes cards so you are able to buy it as soon as it is released! I will keep you all updated on how it charts and stuff.

I will talk to you all soon!


Sunday, September 12, 2010


I really should be working on my Upton Sinclair paper. Not only that, but I should be starting on my other 4 page paper. But you know what, I would rather be writing here right now. So here I am.

Many of you probably tuned in on here to watch the Stand Up To Cancer event. The event was pretty huge. It aired on 17 networks, including the four major networks. And it was streaming live all over the net, reaching audiences up into the millions. I made sure I was right there watching it and looking forward to the talent that was scheduled to perform.

The entire hour was very emotional and uplifting at the same time. Some of the music wasn't the best in the world though. Stevie Wonder sounded like he was murdering his song, bless him. And then of course there is the final song that really made me mad.

The final song was the song that I was looking forward to. Delta Goodrem was performing in it. So immediately when the announcer only mentions her as "friend", I was pretty disappointed. Delta started the song and was very powerful and gorgeous as always. Following was Leona Lewis that was very weak in her start of the song. Together, they sounded very good. Others performing during the song was Heart and Natasha Bedingfield. And another disappointment was that they started rolling the credits before the song was even over. I wasn't happy at all.

But I eventually calmed down and started looking on the bright side. Delta was so excited to be apart of this amazing cause and to perform with other very popular musicians. And plus, her name is on the Itunes credits so she will get her credit in the end. I was so proud of her!

Speaking of Delta, Brian McFadden released his 'Mistakes' music video this week. And may I tell you that it is nothing short of amazing! The entire song worked well with the video. It was funny at times, and sometimes it was "I can't believe he/she just did that!" Already the video has gotten major views and positive reviews. I can't wait til America starts to see the talent Brian and Delta have together!!

Well I think I need to start of these papers. It's going to take me forever! I'll talk to you all soon!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The site finally seems to be working again.  I don't know what the problem was, but right when I call my domain guy, things start working again.  Go figure.  Also, I have been so busy with school that I don't have the motivation to write at the end of the day.  But I figured that I would take some time now to write about our lovable Delta Goodrem. 

We all wondered when Delta would make another apperance in the USA.  And by gosh, we are going to get one soon.  A very big one.  She will be performing at the Stand Up to Cancer television event this Friday.  And not only will she be on one network that night, she will be on several.  NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX and many others will show her bright face in front of millions of viewers.  I will save myself some time and post what I posted from the Delta Goodrem Forum:

For Australian fans that do not know what this is; this is pretty huge. It is aired on all news stations such as NBC, Fox, ABC and CBS. Imagine the views that Delta will get with her performance. This will really get her booming in the USA! So Excited!!

How much of a performance Delta will do is still to be determined. One, possibly two of three things could happen. First, she could perform one of her songs or another version of a different song. I think 'Angels in the Room' and 'Believe Again' and 'Be Stong' are very good possiblities since the show features uplifting songs from a very sad place.

There are two other song choices that I think are possible. 'In This Life' is a possibility since she is most famous for it. Although, it really doesn't fit the tone of the event, so I'm not so sure. Another song is 'Breath In Breath Out'. I think that song is a very uplifting song.

The next thing is that she may be doing a duet. Her tweet makes me think that it a very likely thing to happen. It could be a very good thing, or a very bad thing. If she has equal parts with her partner, it could be a hit and send her up the charts. However, if she turns out to sing the song like she sings 'Mistakes', she won't get much coverage.

My favorite thought, but not likely to happen is if she performs a song from her new album. While performing is for a good cause, her label may be using it as a promotion tactic. But neither her nor Brian have hinted about this so let's just assume that she won't be doing this.

The best thing about this is that every song performed on that event will probably be on the front page of Itunes. So whatever song and who she sings with will be available for purchase by millions of customers.  Imagine how more popular her current album, 'Delta' will be if people really like her on the networks! Not to mention if the song is not on the album, and is a single, it could really get some attention. 

But like I have said in the past, it is way too soon to tell.  But you know what, any sort of apperance is good for Delta in the USA.  Especially while her new album is in the process of being released.  So many things could happen with this performance, and I look forward to watching it so badly.  Forget work, I will make sure that I am sitting in front of the TV screen, and every other tv in the house is recording it! 

I hope I helped you decide on what you're doing Friday night, because I expect all of you to be watching this event!  Watch out, Delta is coming back with a boom!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thunder: The Final Chapter

Thunder: The Final Chapter

Everything was prepared. Lance and Katie had assembled the suit, and equipped it with all of the technical gadgets, and waiting outside was the grand motorcycle that was ready to race through Canton.

But the problem was that none of this was useful. Nothing had happened that caught their attention. It appeared that this drug dealer had walked off the face of the earth. Nobody had spotted him, reported him, nor did the media mention him.

But Lance spared no time. He knew that this person was still out there, and he needed to be ready for him. He knew that this person was more powerful than he was, and he could be taken out with one swift stroke.

Every night, until he nearly passed out with exhaustion, he would train, upgrading his martial art techniques. And he would also start training on new arts. He worked on Eskrima, Kung Fu, and Hapkido. It was really hard for him, but he knew that it would be worth it in the long run.

And while Lance was working on the physical work, Katie was working on the mental work. She spent countless hours uploading new content up on the computer. We eventually had to buy a larger hard drive to help the basic one keep up with all of the multitasking Katie was making it do. He knew that he would need to upgrade it to a better and more cut-in edge one. But he knew he had better not mention anymore of this to Bonnie.

Bonnie kept to herself up in the kitchen, then occasionally brought down her treats for them to keep giving her a reason to make more things. The thought that she was letting the pair of them do this near suicidal attempt made her feel guilty and in a way, grieving. In her eyes she already saw them dead.

She thought this because they were planning to take on the biggest drug lord since the days of the “Just say no” saying from Nancy Regan. They didn’t stand a chance, she thought. But her constant hinting that this was a bad idea didn’t even phase the hard workers. She had learned in the past that she was not able to control anyone but herself. So she knew that she needed to just let it go and what will be will be.

She walked in the now-secret room with fresh apple fritters and a selection of beverages. She knew that it didn’t matter what she brought down; it would all be used up quickly. She looked at the table before her in a semi-mused look. “Everything ready?”

It took Katie a minute to respond, thinking that Lance would answer the question for her. She didn’t even have to leave her trance on the computer.“It appears so. All there is to do now is to make all of our stuff better”.

“That’ll make me sleep better at night,” Bonnie sarcastically said. She headed in Lance’s direction and when she turned her head she realized that Katie had picked up on her sarcasm.

“Are you sure you are prepared for this Lance,” Bonnie asked him. She hoped that he would all of a sudden crawl into her arms and cry and say that he was scared. But she knew that she needed to prepare herself for her dreams to be shattered.

“Hope so,” he quickly said before adding in another punch, “Got to be at the top of my game.”

“Of course you do.”.......

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thunder: Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Lance, Bonnie and Katie walked around the boxes in the center of Lance’s new control room. He decided that since he didn’t have a bat cave or a fortress, he decided to use the next best thing: His training room. The computer was already in there so it was perfect.

Lance and Bonnie looked at Katie ready to find out what all this stuff was. Katie noticed the gesture and started explaining. “Okay,” she said, picking up the first box that she could get.

She opened it and showed a security panel to them. “Due to the fact that this place is Thunder’s hideout, I thought that we needed some protection. So this will help.” She set the box down and picked another few up.

“Now these are the parts to your suit. The legs, the arms, the body, belt, the whole works.” She pulled them all out to show them. “It is state of the art. Bullet-proof, and everything.” She paused and pointed to the belt. “This will be equipped with a GPS chip so we will always know where you are.” She set it down and continued, “I didn’t get a cowl, unless you were going for the Batman look.”

“Actually I was going for the Robin look,” he popped up.

“You mean just the cover of the eyes,” Bonnie said.


Katie nodded her head. “I can do that,” then she went past several boxes. “Most of this stuff is the usual gadgetry. Grapple, smoke bombs.” Then she smiled and picked up a small box. “Since your whole symbol is lightning and thunder I found something that will work for you.”

She opened it and picked up a small, yellow ball. To Lance it looked like ammo for a paintball gun. “Take a look at this,” she said. She threw it on the floor. As soon as it cracked, a surge of electricity burst out and a gunshot-like sound entered that room.

Lance and Bonnie ducked and covered their ears. It ended as soon as it came. They came back up slowly to make sure that there was none left. “What the hell was that?” Bonnie yelled.

“It’s for the element of surprise,” Katie said, “And it will also be good for your calling card. And let’s just say that if anybody tries to get too close to you, they will be in for a shock!”

Lance laughed at this, but Bonnie didn’t return the same gesture. Katie noticed. “Sorry,” she said. She shrunk a little bit from the scolding by Bonnie. She then picked up the last and smallest box left on the table. “This will be an important asset to us,” she said. She opened it and rolled two little head pieces onto the table. “With this you and I will be able to have constant access to each other. That way while you are on the street I can be here gathering information and/or call for backup if needed.”

“Thanks Katie, but I don’t think I will need backup,” he replied.

“We will see,” she said.

After Bonnie was able to recover from the explosive sound she decided to mention something. “Not trying to rain on your parade or anything but do you know yet about your transportation?”

Lance was confused. “Transportation?”

“Well of course,” she said, “You certainly can’t walk when you’re on crime duty.”

Lance and Katie looked at each other in defeat. This was one obstacle that they overlooked. “Well I guess we will have to find something to use then.”

Katie quickly turned to the computer and started typing in searches. She kept mumbling words that Bonnie could barely make out, “…It’ll need to be yellow of course…Very fast…yes…that would do it.” She turned around and pointed her findings.

“It’s a motorcycle. It’s cost efficient, and will work well.”

Bonnie of course popped up with an objection, “But he has no license. It will be illegal.” But Katie was smarter than that. “We are already doing illegal things, this will be no different.” And Katie and Lance hudled together as Bonnie bit her lip until it bled.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Set in Stone

Things seem to finally be looking up.  I seem to be done with all of the dread, fears and worries that I had bottled up in the past few weeks.  I bet you could tell about all of those things in the recent posts.  But, now things are turning my way.  I finally started buying stuff with the thousands of dollars that I have saved this summer.  I might as well buy stocks into Barnes and Nobel, because that is where I buy everything now!

One of my worries was the new manager that was coming in.  I was so worried that my job was on the line, as well as many others.  It's not that I don't work.  I would have to say that I am one of the most committed employees there, not tooting my horn or anything.  But our fear was that he would do what other employees would call "Cleaning House".  I'm sure it needs no explanation.  But you know what?  I met him today and he was great!  A very funny person I think.  I think he is a serious person, but someone that can let loose.  That is certainly someone that we need there.

The next thing is my sister working with me.  I told you that I was dead against it.  But now, I just seemed to forget about it.  I mean, it wasn't like I was going to be able to do anything about it.  But I have finally accepted it.  Besides, it could be a good thing.  I do hope that I get to train her tomorrow because I want to make sure that she is trained well and not misinformed on anything!

And lastly was the Ambassador program at my college.  I was so nervous and had alot of reservations about it, like talked about earlier.  But I walked in there yesterday and I was fine.  It just all came naturally.  I quickly realized how much of an honor it is.  I am the only boy of a group of 4.  That is 4 out of over 2000.  That is a huge honor.  Yesterday I had my picture taken with my fellow ambassadors and today I got to interview many groups about what they do at the college.  Very exciting!

But like I said about Barnes and Nobel, I am starting to spend ALOT!  I have bought every Brothers and Sisters DVD set, several DVDs, CDS and books.  My most recent purchase was the 'Set in Stone' Brian Mcfadden CD that came in yesterday.  I know, 'Set in Stone' is one of his older Cds.  But, I bought it because you can barely find it in the USA.  I have never heard of a store or private company that carried it, so I bought it for a pretty penny through their website.  And you know what?  It came over the weekend.  How awesome is that?  I listened to it 3 times yesterday, and man, I love it!  I knew alot of the songs, but it was nice to hear the rest.  Now, all I need to do now is buy his Wall of Soundz album, but I hope to wait awhile to see if it will be released in the USA soon. 

Well, that seems all about it for now.  I will talk to you all soon!!