Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fundraising Process Pt. 2

Fundraising Process Part 2

But, like all fundraisers, all of them have complications. And my complication occurred when I went to confirm the amount of food for the event. When I arrived there, the owner said they agreed to enough food for 20-30 people, when I assumed that they knew that my amount was for 200-300 people. When we both realized that there was an error in communication, we had to renegotiate the amount that they would donate. Luckily, they agreed to the full amount, with me having to receive a few food items donated, and a crisis was averted.

Asking for donations was very time consuming and very difficult. Those items were both for the decoration of the facility, and for the items in the silent auction. I wrote a very informative letter to businesses asking for any donations, whether an item or monetary gift. After sending close to one hundred letters, I asked businesses in person for another chance at receiving a donation. I received an amazing response with donations such as a plasma TV, jewelry, and a popular digital camera. The TV was so popular that we did a special raffle to help raise more money.

And then the time came when it was time to begin setting up for the event. On the day of the fundraiser, I spent twelve hours setting up all of the tables, signs and all of the donated items. Later on during the day, I ventured out to claim the food that we would be serving that night. After returning to the site, I immediately began letting servers serve the food and allowing guests to taking their chance at the silent auction.

Throughout the night, I also had the B*Naturals perform. The performance helped the guest feel comfortable, and helped them enjoy the night. At the end of the night, I saw my success as I realized I had exceeded my expectations. My expectations were $1500 and it was exceeded by $1700. It proved to me that my planning, organization and methods helped make the event a success.

So, if you were to decide on doing a fundraiser, you could try to follow the methods that I used and see if you are as successful. I talked to you about the first stage of planning, then I discussed on how to find the right places to hold the event. I also moved on to talk about the process of advertising and asking for donations. So with a good, organized plan, you can always make your attempts successful, especially in fundraising.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Fundraising Process

Here is my third paper from my expository writing class. Enjoy!

Fundraising Process

As a senior in high school, I was required to participate in a senior project. For that project, I chose organizing and hosting a fundraiser for a cause. It was a very challenging and worthwhile project that I will always remember. Today, I hope to describe the important process that made my fundraiser successful, including the many obstacles and tasks that were thrown my way.

My process began by organizing all of my thoughts. There were many different fundraising options that I could have taken. While some would decide to just do a dinner, a silent auction, or a concert, I decided my plan was to use all three. That decision paved the road to my future plans and helped me move on to the next step.

With the next step, I had to decide and book the location, the food, and entertainment for that night. The best options from the Franklin location led to booking the location at the First Methodist Church in Franklin, the food from Gondolas, and the entertainment from the B*Naturals choir group. Because this fundraiser was for a non-profit organization, I could only choose options that were donated. After receiving those three vital aspects to the fundraiser, I could begin the smaller planning and advertising.

The advertising became my next priority in order to help my other plans fall into place. I began by forming a flyer that would be passed throughout the town and schools. Since the event was taking place in the fall, I added a Halloween feel with fall orange and black colors with a stand-out template. I also added the information with an easy view for possible viewers. And throughout the rest of the organization process, I also was interviewed for the event in newspapers and on live radio.

To be continued...


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

P vs. I Pt.2

Political Persuasion vs. Political Informational Part 2

Some political advertising is not a bad thing though. Political advertising is also used to help inform citizens of many different impactful issues. Some leaders use a TV campaign to help bring awareness to a cause. The goal with informational advertising is to bring attention and awareness to big issues that need to be noticed on a national level.

Nicholas Valentino has said, “Exposure to political advertising is generally informative and may even reduce information gaps between the most and least aware in society.” He also goes to say that it also does not produce shifts with candidate preference (Impact). That means that when more people are fully aware of situations, they can make more accurate and informed opinions based on that topic. So just by stating the facts and not causing disputes between candidates could possibly encourage Americans to vote.

You never hear much informational advertisements though, because they are often run over by the number of persuasive advertisements. And some may also mistake an informational advertisement for a persuasive by the way the agenda is set and possibly the political party outlook that is sent out with this advertisement.

Which begs the question, “Are the two the same?” My opinion is that they are two separate types of advertisements. While it is possible to see both, political campaigns mainly focus on paying for the persuasive ads. That is why non-profit organizations take the slack that political leaders have left and try to get awareness out there.

So it is very clear that both types of advertisements are different in many ways. While one tries to convince the public to vote for a certain candidate, one tries to inform of causes going on that the government is trying to bring on a national level. And even sometimes people could confuse the two or refuse to accept the information because of its political origin.

Which one do I prefer? I prefer the informational advertisements. The informational advertisements appear more impactful and useful in my eyes towards the public. I feel that persuading advertising is spending of millions of dollars in attempts to destroy the careers of future leaders. And while they feel that persuading may help sway votes, I think that using that method will actually scare voters away.

So do you think that the two can coexist? Probably not. The two are so different and they both have different agendas when attempting to grab the public’s attention. And the two would never work together because one is portrayed on a negative view, while one is viewed in a good view. So my assumption is that it is impossible the two could be used together successfully.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Persuasion vs. Info

As I have told you before, I am currently in a expository writing class. It has really helped me out because I have learned different methods of writing a story or an article. It has also been fun writing many different things with different ways of writing them. In past posts, I have presented you my first paper, but that is only one of the five that I have written. So here is the first part of one of my papers. Enjoy! Also note that you will see the citations that I used for the paper.

Political Persuasion vs. Political Informational

We turn on the television, and we are instantly bombarded by the many commercials that involve politics and our current government. While we may not know it, our decisions and attitudes towards voting and government are influenced by these very same advertisements. There are two types of political advertisements that we are very familiar with. We have the persuasion advertisements that have a goal to commit you to a certain political party or figure. And we also have the informational advertisements that try to keep the American public informed about many governmental actions that is being done. And by the end of this essay, you will have the chance to ask, “Can the two peacefully coexist?”

According to Gregory Huber, he calls persuasive political advertising as, “deliberatively crafted to win votes by besmirching one’s opponent, or besmirching one’s opponent, or simply confusing voters with misleading “facts”. And from my observation, political leaders don’t just do it with political opponents, but also towards issues that they are opposed to such as gay marriage, abortion and the recent health care bill.

One thing that advertisers do is they set out to do while trying to persuade is influence citizens to have an emotional opinion towards a candidate or a cause (Presidential Advertising). While the advertisements could be civil and its agenda is simply to try to appeal to voters, they are used to cause great controversy and to put a negative light on their opponents. Shanto Iyengar has said that that negativity towards political campaigns are used to shrink the amount of voters and keeping possible voters from voting from the opposing side (Political Advertising).

To be continued...


Monday, November 22, 2010

Deathly Hallows

The beginning of the end has finally begun. Last weekend we saw the arrival of the new Harry Potter movie. The Deathly Hallows Part 1 brought in the most money out of any movie so far. Unfortunately, I didn't attend the midnight showing, but I did see it Saturday night. And since the book is split into two parts, I had high expectations. But when you read my review, you will tell that there was alot that could have been added and changed. Beware, for there will be tons of spoilers for people who have not read the book or watched the movie.

Before going to the movie, I asked one of my friends where the movie ended. Once I found that out, I gathered my book and looked for that location. And it was on page 500 out of 784, meaning that the majority of the 7th book is in the 1st part.

I was so excited to see the WB sign as it trasitioned into the film. The first change was they started the movie showing Harry, Herminone, and Ron instead of the Malfoy Mansion. And we quickly see the exit of the Dursleys, avoiding the emotional embrace by Dudley that is in the book. I really thought that was needed in the movie.

The film stays faithful until we reach the Burrow for the wedding. Harry's birthday is taken out of the movie, revealing that he turned 17 after the wedding disruption. But we do see the Minister come to read Dumbledore's will. It quickly moves into where the three are on the run, taking refuge at Sirius's former home. Unfortunately, not alot of time was spent in there compared to the book. We don't see the moments where Lupin comes, we also miss the search of Sirius's room, finding the letter by Lilly Potter.

Another thing that caught my eye was the scene at Godric's Hollow. This is where Ron has left the group and we see the fight between Harry and Nagini. It was pretty accurate up to the point where Hermione rescues Harry. In the book, Voldemort makes it to the scene right before the exit. I feel that having him there in the movie was needed because it helps show that Voldemort has failed time and time again to kill Harry, especially during this film.

One of the main things that stuck out to me is the part at the lake where Harry meets with Ron again and they recover the Sword of Gryfindor and destroy a Horcrux. What I really enjoyed was how they described the effects and illusions that the horcrux could create. If you have read the book, you know that the effect was to try and persuade Ron from destroying it. And creating a fake Harry and Hermione with a very revealing intimate moment was the Horcrux's choice. I was actually suprised how revealing the moment was. I actually had to shift from feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

Up to the end, the movie stays pretty accurate. The final scene with Harry is when he finishes the grave for Dobby, one of the saddest deaths during the movie. The scene then moves to an area near a big lake. We then realize that it is the area that Dumbledore is buried, and Voldemort breaks into the tomb and claims the Elder Wand. The problem I have with that is in the book, the tomb is located near the Hogwarts castle. The tomb may be located in the area, but it wasn't made clear. The movie then ends with Voldemort releasing ligtning with his new wand, the wand he thinks will destroy Harry.

Overall, I think it was a good movie. But what I really missed was having Hogwarts as the main setting. We really didn't have a main setting during this movie. But make no mistake, this next movie is going to be EPIC! Just wait. The finale is going to go with a bang!


Monday, November 15, 2010


I wanted to bring this to your attention. If you didn't read, my last post was about the Kanye West remarks that has gotten him in trouble in the past, and still is. I know by writing the article, I would be facing comments from both sides of the argument. But there was one comment that caught my eye, and I feel that putting it up on here will show divided this country is. It really makes me mad and sick. I have no problem puttin this up because the writer was anonymous:

"You're a fool dude. I am not a fan of Kanye West but for him to call Bush a racist was great for the world. It showed the rest of the world that America does not "bow down" to our puppet leaders (Bush, Obama, etc)."

To whoever wrote this, it is inaccurate and very biased. Yes, the results from Katrina was bad, and the lack of leadership shows in the faces of the victims that were stranded with no aid. But just because no aide was rushed to New Orleans after Katrina struck it, does not determine Bush's racial views. You also cannot say that the black community was the only victims. Black, white, and all ethnicities were affected, because this is America, and all groups live all over the country. So if you wanted to accuse Bush or any political leader of what happened, do not say it was because of race.

Thanks everybody for listening. I know this is a rather short post, but I wanted to make sure that this comment was exposed for the inaccurate content that it contained. But I'm just curious, how many others feel this way? Surely we are mostly past this racial boundary that was set decades ago. If not, then America is more lost than united.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kanye's Rant

Last night I felt like I had a spiritual awakening. And I felt that my mind was being filled with a ton of understanding. And the best thing is because it was it all came from an unlikely place. I know this is really vague, but it had such an impact on me. You don't have to know what it all involves, but just know that I feel great and better than ever!

Wanna know who won't be feeling great? Well Kanye West won't after the media, and other blogs get ahold on him. As if his incident with Taylor Swift wasn't bad, his remarks to former President Bush are now coming to bite him in the ass. Bush has said that when West said that he hated black people, it was the lowest part of his presidency. And after a Today interview with Matt Lauer, West writes some very rude comments on Twitter:

"....but before I take off let me tell you how they did me at the Today show...

I went up there to express how I was empathetic to Bush because I labeled him a racist and years later I got labeled as a racist....

While I was trying to give the interview they started playing the "MTV" under me with audio!!!!!!!

I don't mess with Matt Lauer or the Today Show ... and that's a very nice way for me to put it!


He played clips of Bush and asked me to look at his face while I was trying to talk to him. I wish Michael Jackson had twitter!!!!!!"

Believe me Kanye, you need more than Michael Jackson to help you out here. I mean seriously, you go and tell behind-the-scenes workers to be quiet so you could talk, and then you get on Matt's case because they always show clips of the topics discuss, with audio. The world does not stop so you can try and explain yourself for your constant reckless statements.

I really don't know how people are fans of him. He is the prime example of what President Obama calls a "jackass".


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Music Craves

I am so excited about the results of the poll so far. If you haven't heard of it yet, it is to your right. I started it last week, and I wanted more accurate results so I make the poll last from last week to Dec. 30th. I also wanted to make it more balanced, and added a variety of artists from people to vote for. 3 Pop, 3 Country, and 3 Rock. And so far, 5 out of the nine have triple digit numbers! Some on the verge of 4 digits! The voting is wild right now and we have just gotten started!

I should be doing anything other than writing right now. I have papers to write, a class to prepare to teach, and prepare for a speech. And all I can think of doing right now is talking about all of my music craves.

Such new and great music is out or coming out right now. Everytime I go on the iTunes store, something new is there. Like my last post, I bought Tim Urban's new song, and I just in the moment and started buying like crazy.

Tim released another new song. Called "Wheels Touch Down" I believe. It's good, but it really didn't give hype like the first one did. I moved on through the store and saw that the Black Eyed Peas has a new song out, a remake with a mixture of their own work in it.

The Script finally released their single for their new album in the states today. "For the First Time" is very good, expressing hard times in this economy. I was so excited to see the preorder for the new album. But of course, I will be buying it cheaper on Barnes and Noble. Sorry iTunes.

"Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry took a new turn when a male vocal sings it for the new episode of Glee. From what I have gathered, the song is to inspire Kurt, the gay member, by who I expect is the new boyfriend that Kurt is getting that we have heard about. I don't usually get songs that are very new, but this version of the song is really good, so I thought what the heck. I'm listening to it now, and hearing, "You think I'm pretty without any makeup on" from a guy is a little bit interesting. So moving along...

So I hear Joe Jonas is releasing his first solo album. I have to say that I am suprised that it took him this long. I figured that he would be the first one to break away and start on his own. But I hear it is going to have some pop/dance/electro feel to it. Knowing Joe, he probably will make it more wild than the innocent JoBros lyrics. Maybe I will be able to stand it more that way.

What makes me sad is that we haven't heard anything new from Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden. Yes, today is Delta's birthday (LOVE YOU!), but no sign of a new single or a new album. What a bummer. And Brian's "Just Say So" single doesn't seem to be getting any more popular. I keep asking myself if the single is even being played on radio. Brian said it would be out Oct. 10th, but I haven't heard anything since. To be honest, if anyone was to release anything, I wish it would be these two great artists!

So you see? I have alot of craves right now. Do you have a crave that you cannot wait to be released? Comment and tell me what it is!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Urban's Return

I did a little bit of digging today. I do it often when I look for artists that I have shown intrests for in the past. I look to see if they have any new music out, or have plans on releasing anything new in the future. The 9th season cast of American Idol caught my attention, and I started looking for some of their work.

Tim Urban was the only one other than Lee DeWyze that was in the midst of releasing anything new. Actually, he just released his first single just a few minutes ago! "Heart of Me" is now on iTunes, and I gotta admit, it's pretty good.

Of course, you all can't forget that I gave him a hard time. I think I recall saying that he mainly was on because the "Tween Girls" wanted to keep him on. And some of his performances really turned me off. But this new single is fresh, original and from an evolved Urban.

I watched the live chat that he took part in with ainow.com. He had some interestings to say. You can read the entire chat here.  Some things were:

"I want people to hear each of them [EP Tracks] and know that I put myself in all of them.”

“I've been blown away by all the support that I realized that I didn't need to get signed to get something out to people.”

And talking about his future with music, he says, "I might just keep releasing a few songs at a time.”

So I am actually pumped about the song and his entire EP. It all sounds good, and I think it will make #1 before sunrise. Who's kiddin, it will. And sorry Tim for being hard on you. It looks like you are really doing well, and I know you will be a success.

Make sure to buy the single on iTunes!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Day six, and I am still sick as a dog. It started with a sore throat, then moved to me not having a voice for two days, and has now moved to aches, shakes, and a massive headache. It doesn't seem to want to go away, but I better get better soon, because I am starting to loose my patience.

Well, goodbye political TV ads, because the 2010 election is now over! Those ads could drive someone to throw the TV right out the window! And throughout last night, people were talking like the Republicans were invading the capital last night. Yes, the Republicans took alot of seats last night. While I think that it wasn't good for the Democrats (which I'm a proud Dem. by the way), I think that having some Republican influence in the government right now will equal everything out. And hey, maybe all of the blame will stop being thrown on President Obama. It's about time that some people taking the blame now.

And to add to the political hype, the lovely Aimee Allen finally managed to put up her 'Ron Paul Revolution' song on iTunes. I first heard it back during the 2008 election, and it was very good upbeat song. It actually got me to be a supporter for Paul during that election. And now, we hear that he could be a big political figure during the 2012 election. So who knows. But if you want to buy the song, which is highly recommended, you can buy it here! Aimee, I wish you the best with the song now on iTunes, and I hope it gets #1.

So I won't go into all of the political results, because let's face it; there is just too much to cover. But Nikki Haley was one that caught my eye. Even though she will not be running North Carolina, I really wished that she didn't get it. I don't know, but I just see another Mark Sanford-type scandal in the state with her running. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. But let me ask you, did you like the person that won your state in any position. Comment and let me know!!
