Friday, August 5, 2011

Out of Sync

As a child fan of 'NSYNC, I was pleased to pick up a copy of Lance Bass' memior called "Out of Sync".  It has been a book that I have been waiting to read for some time.  I finally did it, and as soon as I started reading it, I didn't stop until I put it down the next day.  And what I read gave me a new respect for Lance, the other band members, and the great music that the band released during those years of my childhood.  And not only was the story about the band, but about Lance's childhood, his personal issues while in the band, the issues with Lou Pearlman, the extended hiatus of the band, his attempt to reach space, and then his coming out in 2006. 

I was so interested in reading about his childhood.  I guess it was great because these guys were my idol during the day.  So it was great to reading about his childhood, and the sucess he had made even before his induction into the band.  And it was also interesting to see that he felt that he was destined for greatness. 

And then the story behind the scenes of the band and the scandals with Lou Pearlman and then living with this fame took a good chunk of the book, and kept my attention the whole time.  I remember him mentioning when he knew the band was going to be big when they got a special on the Disney Channel, and that it was aired for 6 months after that.  I remember, because that's how I found out about them!  And my family even taped it.  (I think we may still have it after all these years!)  But it was interesting to read about the trips overseas to kick everything off, and the money problems with Pearlman.  Things like this were things I never knew, and was shocked to read. 

Other things that were shocked to read was what actually went down before the band finally went on indefinate hiatus.  The hard feelings that were once felt towards Justin for continually extending time for a new album when Lance could have been doing big things during this time.  And then there was the movie that Lance and Joey participated in called "On the Line" which he felt was finished because of touring and the tragedy with 9/11.

And then it was also interesting to read about his attempt to travel into space.  His stuggels that he went though in Russia studying and training to become certified to go up.  But it was sad to hear that it all fell through because of money.  We can all understand that now with the economy crisis right now. 

And then there was the next big chunk of his book: His sexuality.  This was the news that shocked alot of adoring female fans and brought Lance back into the spotlight.  But this news wasn't just a recent issue for him, but a life long thing.  And if you read the story, you understand the days before he decided to go public, and the courage he had to tell his conservative family that he was gay and then the emotional outpour he got from both family and friends. 

But the book was published in 2007, which means that alot more things have happened for Lance since then.  The book debuted on the bestseller list.  He became an activist for alot of Gay causes.  And just recently, news have been circulating that he is attempting to creat his own Boy Band version of The Voice.  And while all this going on, he also has time to host his own segment on the Sirius Radio and appear on popular shows like Drop Dead Diva. 

A article was released by People yesterday, talking about Lance ready to marry.  It says: "Now that same-sex marriage is legal in New York, Lance Bass is certain that someday he'll tie the knot. "I definitely want that. I'm a Southerner. We dream of having the family and the kids, and the parents want grandkids, that's all they care about, give me some grandbabies."  You can read the full article here

So you can tell that Lance Bass has had an amazing career, and continues to have one to this day. 
And we all look forward to seeing what the future holds for him.  This book is the only biographical book I have read, and probably ever will be because it was just so entertaining to read, and so insightful to find out more about a band member that I grew up listening to.  I encourage you to read the book.  Go to your local bookstore, or you can always buy it here at Barnes and Noble. 

And if you aren't already, I would strongly recommend that you follow him on Twitter.  I just started a few weeks ago, and I enjoy reading his posts.  So start by going to @LanceBass.

I hope you have enjoyed this post!  I hope you enjoy the book if you decide to get it.  For those who have read it, or have been a 'NSync fan, what did you think?  Post your comments!


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