Friday, June 24, 2011

NY Vote

Tonight was the night that made history no matter what the outcome became.  Occuring in the Senate Chambers in Albany, New York, senators from the state gathered to vote on several bills, one in particular was the Gay Marriage bill which has been in much controversy for each state for years.  The NY assembly had approved that religious groups against gay marriage from discrimination lawsuits.  This left only the vote from the senate to decide the fate on same marriage in NY.

Around 5 this evening, tweets went around that the vote in the NY senate would be taking place tonight. I went ahead and tuned in, and started streaming the session on this site.  And I must say, I had no idea how long it took for a senate to gain all of the votes from the senators.  They all have their own story for why they are voting yay or nay.  So close to 5 hours later, the bill was finally introduced to the floor.  Before that moment, there were only 18,000 viewers viewed online.  But when it was introduced, the views jumped up above 32,000 views.

After the amendments were passed, applause could be heard throughout the chamber.  And then we begin to see the opposition in the debate.  Senator Ruben Diaz stirred the pot by continuing to talk and talk, and then refused to stop when the President advised him to come to a close.  And after two attempts, the President managed to subdue him.  But it is so funny, because Twitter went on fire with this guy, saying that he just made the biggest mistake with the actions he made LIVE on the internet and TV.

At this point, close to 50,000 people were watching this live stream.  With a few more senators that went way longer than the rules, and then a long recess for the President to meet with senetors, the results came.  At 10:30, the results were that the bill had been passed.  Thunderous applause came, taking the President a minute to return the chamber to order.  At one point I thought that he would just throw the gabble and just let them applaud.  But eventually he continued, and in between orders to shut the doors to remove the sound of screaming supporters, adjourned the session. 

I bet people around the world are celebrating this.  One of the most populated areas just agreed to equality in marriage.  While some states already have this in effect, I think that the NY vote was very important.  I think this will cause many other states to follow in NY's steps and make a better effort towards equality. 

So like I said, history was made tonight.  But the question still remains.  Is this debate on Same-Sex marriage over?  And do you think there will be any other states that will present a same bill within the upcoming months?


1 comment:

  1. Honestly i believe that gay marriage should be legal, i think that California needs to come around to this same decision.
