Monday, May 31, 2010

Goodbye Chatter World

Well it seems like alot of great things are ending this year.  Lost, 24, Law and Order have all left the stage and will forever be remembered by fans.  And now today Chatter World will join them.

A month or so ago I said that Chatter World would be officially closing on June 1st due to lack of activity and not having the strong passion of topics that it used to have so long ago.  Well today is that day.  Sadly for some, including myself, say goodbye to where we talked to so many people, and made new friends over the years!  While some members just passed by for a time, there were many members who actually treasured the experience. 

I remember when I first created the site.  A much more sloppy site was created from a much more sloppy host before we decided to go to freeforums.  But that was laid the foundations to the forum.  After we discovered how hard of a time we were having, we decided to move on to a much more reliable host.  That was were we created a very big family that would last close to 3 years. 

Many members were from my Deathly Hallows forum.  While the Harry Potter crave was over with, some decided to stick with Chatter World to get a more diverse area to talk.  After a very long time of advertising, the forum was popular with heated topics, and forum games, made by some very dedicated members. 

Let us not forget the group of moderators and assistant admins that were by my side to make this forum such a sucess.  We wanted to not be noticed as some mean people who patrolled the forums, but a cool group that helped made decisions for the site.  We called ourselves the 'Council', which was very similar as the 'Jedi Order Council' that you have seen in the Star Wars movies and books. 

While the site had it's good moments, it also had it's bad ones as well.  We had some moments that made members leave, which also lead to the decline in posts.  But like most things, we moved on, and pushed forward.  We even had a moment where we really picked up again for the first time in a real long time!

But even though I say that some events caused members to leave, a big reason is that times come when things have to depart to make room for much bigger things.  My goodness, look at all of the things we have now that we didn't have before CW started.  We have the huge facebook, and the rising fame of twitter, which pretty much takes care of all the networking cravings that people have.  I myself have felt this effect. 

So this is why Chatter World is writting it's final chapter today.  It's ending is a beginning for something new, maybe from me, maybe from you, or maybe from someone that will revolutionize the web.  But we will never forget that CW has contributed in paving the road to all of the things that we have experienced today!

So I hope that this is a fitting goodbye for the site, because I know that after nearly 3 years, it deserves it!  Long live Chatter World!
