Sunday, February 6, 2011


Well America, it has only been a few minutes since the beginning of the Super Bowl, and already it is making headline news. I am usually not a faithful watcher of the game. I usually stick around to watch the commercials and because we have people over. So far, the only thing I have watched so far was the National Anthem, and the reaction has gone viral.

If you haven't been watching, Christina Aguilera began the game with her version of the national anthem. And oh boy, was it something. For me, it was all over the place. Some times it was soft, and then sometimes she was singing at the top of her lungs. It sort of reminds you of going level on a rollercoaster and then taking a huge drop. I don't like huge drops so this was a perfect analogy.

Apparently people were placing bets on how long she would hold the last note. I think the majority would bet 6 seconds. And you know what, she doubled that. And I am suprised she made it that long because she sort of screamed the last note. And she continued to scream throughout the full twelve seconds.

And the whole time I was thinking that the lyrics didn't sound right. As a graduate of high school, I sang the national anthem to my graduating class, and what I sang and what she sang were different in some areas. And you know what, I was right! I come on here and notice that people were talking about it as well! And of course that is going to cause alot of controversey and buzz for days if not weeks to come. And then there will be the people that will call her unpatriotic for messing up. But you know what, sometimes people do mess up.

But despite that, she did mess up the entire song. Lyrics and all! And when you have millions watching you for that whole minute, they will be watching for every little thing that could go wrong. And already they have! I just can't wait til tomorrow morning to see what the news has to say. Or better yet, Christia may tweet an apology.

Hoping you are enjoying super sunday and enjoy the rest of the game!



  1. Her version of OUR anthem was disrespectful of our country! Not only did she forget the words, but I think she forgot how the entire song should be sung!

  2. Mistaking the lyrics to the national anthem is NOT disrespectful. Had she purposely conducted such an act, than yes, however this proves purely as an accident.
    Christina, despite the mis-wording of the anthem, you a phenomenal job.

  3. So many of these folks seem to think they must "make it their own" these days. Unfortunately, she succeeded.

  4. Leave her alone. she's only human! things like this happen and if it was lady gaga making the same mistake. the audience would have probably named it the best rendition! or creative. people love to pick on christina. from perez to chelsea handler. i feel bad for her, especially because she was bullied as a child.
