Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Loyalty Part II

Hello guys!!  It has been quite some time since my latest post.  And my, how much I have missed blogging!  I actually would have done it sooner, but this hotel in San Diego won't let you have the internet in the room for free.  You have to pay a freaking $10+ a day just to use it.  Fortunately, I found out a little less than a hour ago that they serve free internet in the lobby.  And that is where I'm at right now. 

Major spoilers!!

I could write about so many things right now, but the main thing would have to be about the second part of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.  We saw Goren and Eames leave the show last night, and pass on the torch to Goldblum's character.  I made sure that we got to our room on time so I could watch it. 

I could talk about the episode forever, but I thought I would just hit the highlights.  The beginning was a great farewell to Captain Ross.  I really didn't expect them to show the funeral, but it was nice to see them say goodbye to him for the last time. 

The next part is when Eames is given the chance to become captain.  And until the very end you think she will come through.  But her having to fire Goren seemed too hard for her, leading her to decline on the offer.  I don't understand what diffrence it made, he was going to get fired one way or the other.  But of course Eames wasn't returning so there was not other way around it. 

As for Goren, I thought this episode really didn't give his moment to shine.  Specific episodes in season 7 really made him shine, which makes you think that this wasn't the best way for him to exit.  Season 7 had the best storyline for Goren to exit.  And the finale in season 7 would have left us knowing that he would be able to start fresh, and leave Major Case behind.  I felt that him getting fired really didn't tie up the loose ends that he had with the squad such as his nephew, Donny.  It was a disappointment when we didn't find out what happened to him in season 8.  Now we don't know if we ever will find out. 

Now the final scene, where Goren and Eames say goodbye is the climax of the entire show.  This was the point where the Goren/Eames shippers could have had what they have wanted, if the part was written just a tad diffrently.  We see Goren kissing Eames on the cheek for actually a long moment, then leaves the scene.  To me, it felt out of place, and really didn't fit the relationship that Eames and Goren have had for 9 years.  And then at the end, when Eames declines on the position as captain, you start to think that she is not taking it for love of Goren. 

Ah, I really have to stop talking about it.  It really was a hard episode ot watch and say goodbye.  On the other hand, we saw the partnership of Nichols and Stevens form up.  I felt that the relationship was awkward to start out, like we saw with Det. Logan and Wheeler.  But towards the end, it sorta started to grow on me.  Saffron Burrows character seems like a person that is worth watching at the moment.  I look forward if those two can really carry the torch. 

Overall, I thought the episode was really well.  But at the same time, it was a make it or break it moment for the new cast.  They have me sold for now, but whats to say that they have the other Goren/Eames fans sold.  If they fail to keep the attention that the show has been getting for 9 years, I'm afraid that it may be the end for Criminal Intent. 

So there was my full in-depth review of the show.  I really hope you enjoyed it!!  Stay tuned tomorrow for a review that I have for the Legacy of the Force Series that I just finished reading!!


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