Monday, August 9, 2010

Thunder: Chapter 7.5

Chapter 7.5

He picked the gun up. And he withdrew himself from his hiding spot. The men spotted him, and started to gather around him. He pointed his only protection at him: The Gun.

They paused, and they laughed. After seeing Lance’s one gun, they all pointed their guns at him. “Looks like your outnumbered,” Billy said with a grin.

Lance looked at the light above them. He suddenly got a sense of courage. He spoke with a bold voice. “Maybe,” he said, “But can you shoot me in the dark?”

The men all had a confused look on their face. Lance lowered the gun from them, and when they walked towards him, he quickly pointed the gun at the big lamp, and pulled the trigger.

They all covered their ears from the shot. Then the light soon went out, shrouding them in darkness. It now was his chance to advance.

Nosaj covered his ears from the blast. What had happened? Had the police already found them? Johnny was then in front of him, trying to cover him if somebody was to shoot him.

“You better bail,” he said, “Just go, I’ll take care of this.”

Nosaj didn’t hesitate to argue. Now was his time to get away freely. “Thanks,” he said. Johnny nodded for his thanks. Then he motioned for him to leave.

He quickly headed down from the boat, trying to avoid any shots. There not too far from the boat was Johnny’s car. He was able to spot it by the lightning shining the sky. He got in, and rolled down the window.

“Get in here!” he yelled at his men.

Lance heard the man yelling, and he knew he couldn’t let them get away clean. So he ran towards one of the men, guided by the light of quick lightning strikes. He rammed into him, tackling him to the ground. He was quickly unconscious. Lance jumped back up quickly, to avoid a blow from a man, setting revenge on the last man.

When the man was bent down, Lance kicked him to send him flying backwards. He did a back flip to avoid several hits, and resent the blows.

When some of the men knew that the chance of the police near, they quickly fled, heading to the running car. Billy was the leader heading to it. They quickly jumped in, and when the car was filled, Nosaj punched the gas pedal, speeding them out of the dockyards.

He stared at the fleeing car, knowing that there was nothing he could do. He grabbed some rope from the nearby docks, squinting his eyes trying to find some, and tied all of the unconscious men, and setting them aside of one of the storage units.

Then the motor from the boat in front of him was started, and the lights from the boat were lit. To Lance, it looked like the captain was trying to flee also, and take the shipment of drugs with him. Lance ran, as hard as he could, and when he was able to, he jumped to get on the boat.

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