Sunday, August 1, 2010


Well guys, today is the day that I post over the 100 post mark!  Can you believe it?  100 posts seems like so much and from so long ago, but it really hasn't felt like it.  I remember when I first created this blog a year and a half ago.  It hasn't been until the last half of a year that I have really gotten into it.  And I have enjoyed every second of it. 

And it is all because of you to keep my mind focused and encouraging me to keep writing.  Otherwise, I don't think I would have written half of this blog.  So I thank you.  I hope that I can keep on writing more and better posts as the days go on. 

Anyways, today I finished my second book during my vacation.  'Ship Wrecker' is a book that really caught my attention, even though it was a storyline that I really wasn't interested in.  For some reason, I was drawn to it.  And I even finished it in 2 days.  Pretty impressive in my book.  It was totally worth the read and I hope you all take a read. 

Now tomorrow morning, I must leave this wonderful haven that I have taken a liking to for the past 3 days.  I haven't felt so relaxed and calm in so long.  But I guess all good things have to come to an end.  So I will have to travel another six hours back home, just in time for the 10 O'Clock shift on Monday.  And that begins my very long week, with only Friday and Sunday off. 

But I will worry about that another time.  I will talk to you soon, and have a great day!


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