Monday, February 1, 2010

The Love Hate Situation Pt. 3 - Obsessed

Well I guess it is as good of a time as any to post this. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to post on here now. All of you have said some great things about and that gives me reason to keep writing. Today was another lazy day of no school. Tomorrow we have a 2 hour delay if they don't cancel it by morning. And we are supposed to get more snow this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Gahh! I'm about tired of snow.

Today we continue our series with the third part. This story is a story I have told numerous times and even on here before. I know you'll get tired of hearing about it, but I feel that I need to put it in here to help me put it in the past. Whether or not it will still remains to be seen. Okay, here we go.

Part 3 - Obsessed

Out of the four people in this series, this person I have known the least, but there is so much history between the two of us that it makes up for the time before. Yes, she is the one I told you about earlier. She is the one that afterwards she thought I wanted to be with her and then went on this conquest to get me to love her. I'll try to skip the details that I have already told you.

I first met her in my eighth grade year. And even then I knew her only goal in life was to acheive love. I really enjoyed her outgoing personality and her honesty. I actually had a crush on her at that time. That soon quickly faded though when I found out when she was more experienced than other people my age were. I felt that I should be with someone that had not reached that point in their life yet.

Although we talked, we never got close until our sophmore year. We both had civics together. That was when I first observed her obsessive personality. Every other guy she looked at she would try and get me to get info on them or a phone number. Since I was unaware of the way she really was, I fell for it and did what she asked. That continued for a real long while.

The main relationship I recall that I was most informed about was about a guy she met out of random. He was two years younger than her. Real hick, and what I would call real girl degrader. Of course she was into that. I wasn't involved in getting them together. My involvement came in when she started to question his sexual preference. She asked me to find out about it. I said no numerous times until she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I discovered that he was gay or bi, either one, he didn't tell me. I relayed the news to her.

She didn't take it well of course. And in a sick way our friendship progressed from that. Although his "coming out" was no big secret, he did continue to have involvment with her. And strangely enough she kept running back to him. And then of course every other day she would catch him with a guy, and then come running to me for emotional support. I soon became as much involved as the two of them were.

Eventually that relationship went on the backburner, thank god, for a time. Our friendship also was on the backburner for a few months. We then began talking again. That was the time people were getting dates and groups for prom. I was already in a group with my two friends but I thought to invite her as well. She agreed. But eventually it turned into a date without my knowledge. My friends bailed on me, and she just kept calling it a date.

Numerous amounts of my friends told me to break off the prom deal with her because of her reputation. Yes my friends, she has a reputation. A rather lengthy one I must say. But I stood up for her. I made a commitment to go to prom with her and I intended to keep it.

Well you all know how that turned out so I'm not going to go through it again for the sake of some people's sanity. That experience ruined my outlook on dating even to this day. And it really wasn't even a date. And you remember how she went all ape on me.

I had to just start cutting all ties with her. It was an emotional strain to keep arguing with her. And all of the threats and accusations that she gave me just proved that she couldn't be reasoned with. My blocking plan on my phone only works for two months at a time. And right when the block wore off she was right there waiting for me.

More arguments continued on and off after July and August. Around October we began to call it a truce. It felt awkward everytime I talked to her, but it was better than arguing. But in November she changed my tune really fast. She had asked me to give her a guy's number so she could try to "Hook up" with him. For his sake I refused. After she realized that she couldn't get it by asking, she then resorted to cussing me out.

Question, do you tend to cave in after someone yells and degrades you for a phone number? I know I sure don't. After she then resorted to more threats I had to block her again. It was just the wiser choice. But I also found out that I was only one of three people she was doing that to at the same time. So I knew I wasn't getting special treatment.

It has been two months since then. I unfortunately see her every day wherever I turn. Its hard to forget about someone when you live in such a small town. But everytime she knows I'm coming she puts her head down and walks rather fast. Coward anyone? I think so.

But like I have said earlier, there seems to be a reason that I think about her everyday. I know it isn't because I have feelings for her. Lord no, not at all. I think I have gained so much anger for her that it is hard not to think about her. Sometimes I think that I long to have that friendship that I use to have with her; talking for days about random things. Even though alot of our friendship revolved around her, I did enjoy some parts of it.

I would be lying if I said that she wasn't a good person. She is, but her need to be loved and not be ignored overpowers all of her good qualities. Everybody I know that knows her thinks that same thing. I think she will turn around one day. But by that time she will only be known as the person who caused bloodshed on the love battlefeild.

Well now I'm glad I got that out of my system. Now there is no need to keep talking about her. Because now I can look at this post everytime and remember why our friendship went into ruins. I'm sure we all have a person like that in our lives and we just have to choose to move one whether or not they can.

Well now I think I have talked long enough for today. Ha don't forget that tomorrow will conclude the four part series. I think this last one will top all of them because it is really my most important one. Like they all say, save the best one for last. So make sure to tune in!!


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