Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to Magic- Chapter 2

It wasn't long after Chapter 1 was released, and people were asking for more!! I'm glad you enjoy it so far, and it is only going to get better!

Before we start, I wanted to say that I looked through the chapters and realized that Chapter 3 is the longest of all of them, double the length of the other chapters. So what I'm going to do for you is give you double of this story tomorrow. One post in the morning and one at night, so make sure you stick around for that.

Now on with the show!

Chapter 2- Inside the Castle
By Robert S.

Remus Lupin stood before the fireplace in the teacher's room at Hogwarts and idly watched Hagrid working at a leather bag in his lap. The strap was loose and he was mending it with a huge needle and what looked to be unicorn tail hair.

"Ain't no bother, I been tellin' you," Hagrid said. "No one here but me and the house elves and the ghosts and between us we been lookin' after the upkeep of the grounds and all. I'm glad to have you fer company. The centaurs have gone all quiet and secretive since the last teachers left. Got no one to talk to, so yer more'n welcome to be here."

"That is kind of you, Hagrid. I must admit I never thought I'd find the school so empty. So even Filch has gone?"

"Aye. Just in the last weeks. Rumors going 'round the pubs have run him off." Hagrid chuckled. "Course, he says he's goin' to visit a sick relative."

Lupin gave a slight smile. "I'm glad you're still here, Hagrid. Glad you haven't let the rumors scare you off."

Hagrid paused and looked up at Lupin. "Ain't nothing ever goin' to run me out of Hogwarts again, Perfessor. I'll give my life if old You-Know-Who tries to take it." He went back to work mending the strap. "Learn't that from Harry, I did. If that boy can stand up to him face-to-face without breakin', so can I."

Remus smiled wider this time. "Harry has taught us all a few things we never knew we needed to learn."

"Aye, he has that, ain't he?" Hagrid chuckled. "What makes you think he's coming here?"

Lupin took a deep breath. "Just a feeling. He has no home now and as much as he enjoys visitng the Burrow, and as much as he dislikes Order headquarters, neither has ever meant so much to him, good or bad, as Hogwarts. When I heard he'd disappeared after turning 17, I tried to imagin where he might go. If I were he, I would come here."

Hagrid grunted. "Let's hope yer right. If the Death Eaters come to that conclusion, he ought not to be here alone. Not that he would've been, mind you. Not with me and that daft house elf, Dobby, stayin' here. Between you, me and him, Harry can sleep at peace here if he's a mind."

"I'm glad to hear that, Hagrid," Lupin said. "Harry mustn't forget the value of friendship."

Hagrid nodded. "What you think he's up to, disappearin' like that?"

Lupin shrugged. "We'll find out if and when he shows up." He sighed. "I hope I'm right."

Liked it? I hope you did!! I'll give you some more tomorrow so stay tuned!!


1 comment:

  1. I wrote this one. I don't remember my user name on the forum. Maybe Robert S or something.

