Saturday, March 6, 2010

Back to Magic- Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Looking for Answers

Harry put his hand on the cold catle wall. It felt cool. And it had the presence of emptyness. He felt so alone. And he was. Nobody to help him in his time of need. Nobody.

The sun had gone down, and it was not really dangerous, for he knew that anybody could be near him. He took out his wand. "Lumos," and the wand spurted out gleaming light. He was ready to enter the place he promised he would never return to.

It looked exactly the way he remembered it. The same way he saw it the day of Dumbledore's funeral. The thought of Dumbledore put tears to his eyes. He held them back. He knew that he could not show any emotion in times like these. He had to be strong, tough, even though he felt like the world he lived in was coming to an end. He continued on.

He could hear the portraits snoring above him in the great staricase. He walked up, and walked into a dark, and deserted corridor. Harry only walked in there a few times. It was where the staff usually came to talk. He saw a portrait beginning to wake up. "Who goes there?" the portrait asked.

"It is I, Harry Potter."

"I'm suprised to see a face."

"Really, why is that?"

"Because," the portrait said, "Nobody has been here since--"

"Since Dumbledore's death," Harry cut in.

"Well...yes." The portrait bent his head down, looking like he was honoring the great wizard.

"The only people to keep me company are two people here."

"What do you mean?"

"Two wizards have been here. And they are now siting in the staff room over there."

As soon as Harry looked over there, he hard big footsteps, from a very big person.

Stay tuned for Chapter Six!!

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